Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS

28, April 28th, Overcoming

Inspiration: What was your greatest struggle? How did you overcome it, and how has it changed you for the better? Form: Try to write your poem in couplets today. A couplet is a poem made up of  two-line stanzas with the final word of each …

26, April 26th, Best Gift

Inspiration: What’s the best gift you’ve ever given or received — whether tangible (an object new or passed on to your) or intangible (advice, love, guidance, support)? Why was this the “best”?  A poem that tells a story is a narrative poem. Can you tell …

25, April 25th, Quatrain Plus One (about today)

Inspiration: We’ve had a lot of free verse this month (free to rhyme or not, free to break lines as you wish or need, free to stanza or not), but how does the structure of a quatrain impact our expression, intention, and meaning? Try a …

20, April 20th, Symbols and Extended Metaphors

Inspiration: A bridge is a powerful metaphor, and when you start looking for bridges in poems, you find them everywhere. Your poem could be about a real bridge or an imaginary or ideal bridge. It could be one you cross every day, or one that simply seems …

4. April 4th, Knock, Knock

Inspiration (not that you need it): A knock on the door. Perhaps today’s poem can tell about a visitor who literally knocked on your door (friend, neighbor, family, stranger), or perhaps you will imagine the things and people who knock on the figurative doors in …

30 poems

30 Poems: A Celebration of Poetry Begins April 1st

The 30 Poems Celebration begins April 1st! Let’s celebrate together all that poetry does for our hearts, minds, and humanity. This month-long celebration is all about helping people write poems in a supportive, virtual space. Anyone can participate — life-long poets, new-to-the-craft poets, rhymers, free-versers, musings-writers. …

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