
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given or received — whether tangible (an object new or passed on to your) or intangible (advice, love, guidance, support)? Why was this the “best”? 

A poem that tells a story is a narrative poem. Can you tell the story in three (3) stanzas — a beginning, middle, and end (not necessarily in that order)?


I have a memory of Christmas.

We each received a robe — different colors.
Eight girls and three boys sat with wrapped boxes
of the same shape and size.

After the first one was opened,
we all knew what we had gotten.

I have a memory of Christmas.
We each received an item of jewelry — different stones.
Eight girls and three boys (perhaps there were fewer that year)
sat with wrapped boxes of the same shape and size.

After the first one was opened,
we all knew what we had gotten,

but this was a bit different.

The jewelry told a story of our birth.
Amethyst, Pearl,  Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Turquoise.
I learned that mine was an emerald.

I was the only emerald.

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