Inspiration: We’ve had a lot of free verse this month (free to rhyme or not, free to break lines as you wish or need, free to stanza or not), but how does the structure of a quatrain impact our expression, intention, and meaning? Try a quatrain today and see if it restricts or liberates — or some combination.

Try a quatrain today followed by a single line — to make it five lines total for our twenty-fifth poem. A quatrain is a four-line poem that can have the same number of syllables in each line to create rhythm. You might try an end-rhyme pattern like abab, aabb, abba, or abcb. The fifth line to could follow the syllable and rhyming pattern or not.

Here is an excerpt from a longer poem made up of quatrains; notice each line has 6-7 syllables, and the end-rhyme is abcb (i.e., bank and sank rhyme):

Life is Fine” by Langston Hughes

I went down to the river, a
I set down on the bank. b
I tried to think but couldn’t, c
So I jumped in and sank. b

Here are some ideas for your quatrain plus one. If you need help with rhyming, try this site. I really hope some of you choose the last option”):

  • What made you smile today?
  • Can you tell me an example of kindness you saw/showed today?
  • Did anyone do anything silly to make you laugh today?
  • Did anyone cry today?
  • Did you tell anyone “thank you” today?
  • What made you laugh today?
  • Tell us something you know today that you didn’t know yesterday.
  • Teach us something we don’t know.
  • What kind of person were you today?
  • What made you feel loved today?
  • If you switched places with your teacher tomorrow, what would you teach the class?
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see you every day
what a big mistake
was it even love
not sure, ask the dove
no love what so ever


My best friend,
Who is always there for me
Making me smile,
Even through the hardest times


I liked how you kept your poem simple. You said the basic parts of a relationship with a best friend.
“Making me smile, Even through the hardest times’


Brother the one that’s always getting me in trouble
Always getting in my bubble
Your always making me smile
You always have a style


I wish I have a brother
Oh wait I do…


It’s so interesting how a person can make you feel
One who makes you want to scream at the top of your lungs in frustration
One who makes you want laugh every second you’re with them
One who makes you feel nothing and is just another person who walks by
One who makes you so happy, you could just spend eternity with them
It’s so interesting how a person can make you feel


I liked your poem, it was really impacting. I know what you mean when you said,” One who makes you so happy, you can just spend an eternity with them” There is always that one person who can make you feel that way.


If I switched places
with my teacher, I
Would show a movie
So all the students
Wold like it when I


Takes a while to think about
But once you have
It all pours out


I can definitely relate with your poem-ing experiences. I often get writers block, but the moment even the tiniest idea sparks in my mind, I could write forever.



The best day of the school week
Set for the weekend to dictate
And not dreading waking early
Knowing you can sleep in late

Mik Mieczkowski

Ah, Friday, truly is the best day of the school week. I can totally relate, especially when you said “not dreading waking early Knowing you can sleep in late”. Whenever it’s Friday, or Saturday, I stay up so late having a blast with 5 extra hours of life a day. The only bad thing about Friday is that the weekend will end eventually and it’s Monday again. On Fridays you are not bound in the handcuffs of school, you can sleepover at a friends house, play video games, not do your homework until Sunday. What a day.

Liam M.

I like the lines where you said “Set for the week end to dictate, and knowing you can sleep in late

Elicia Perez


on how everyone else

The corners of their lips
turn upwards.

Try it.

The corners of my lips
turn downwards.


Yesterday I went out with someone,
I didn’t know what to think of it,
I didn’t know what to think of her,
But in the end, I had fun.

I was glad I went,
I couldn’t count the times I smiled,
there was too many,
I was a good time spent.


Today I went into class being sad
But today when I walked out of class that sadness
was changed into joy
all by one person, wow


Today was a beautiful day
When i saw his face
I couldn’t hold in my happiness to see him
I knew I couldn’t get near him
But just looking at him made be happy


I like this poem , the lines that you wrote ,”when I saw his face I couldn’t hold in my happiness to see him” when you just love seeing the person after a long time it just makes everything better


I woke up today
the sky was gray
and the trees swung back and forth
once I stepped outside I felt a chill run down my spin
I didn’t want to go to school.
But then the sun comes out for half a minute and it feels somewhat better.


huh wow i just noticed
that i really hate cola flower,
its nasty and is disgusting


I’m glad we worked things out
I wouldn’t want to loose you
I love you without a doubt
But everything we’ve been through
Only makes our relationship stronger


I like when you said, “I love you without a doubt”, it tells a story of the past and present to infer about.


When I sit math,
I usually frown,
But today was different,
Because someone,
Turned it upside down.


To lead our class in discussion one day
There are many things I would like to say
Following in the footsteps of someone like you
Is definitely not an easy thing to do
But I love a challenge with words to weigh

Keep on digging until you feel the pain
Even though your heart and mind can feel the strain
There are no embarrassing tales in this class
We have all been there one time, all things shall pass
Your overflowing thoughts become your refrain

I would like to ask one more thing of each of you
Write honestly and with passion in all that you do
You will be amazed at the outcome of your work
And here you believed that your thoughts had gone berserk
But hey…maybe that is even a good thing to

Mik Mieczkowski

School is every kid’s entire life.
They can’t even choose, it’s a law to go.
6 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Weekends are what it should be like; no school.
So can’t we just have a longer weekend?


I saw him in school today
Every time he comes near me I’m beaming
When he leaves though I’m left feeling mucky and gray
It kind of feels like I’m dreaming

Jasmine Plata

Waking up and then fliging the blanket off
I look outside and see
golden colors rising over the sunshine.
summer awaiting.
At last


I like how you describe the sunset when you wake up.
“I look outside and see
golden colors rising over the sunshine.
summer awaiting.”
I makes me feel like I’m watching the sun wake up too.

izzy sernel

I watch and stare
but yet its bare.
I look by the corner wanting wanting to walk
but realize and see a serious talk.
I wish I could hear all the words
but I hear nothing like forests without birds.
I hoped to be the one talking
instead I’m the one unfortunately walking.
I get home and check my box
but nothing not even a text.
I hope and hope my box will flash soon
but nothing happens and eventually I see nothing but the moon.

Amelia Canania

I like the simile you showed ” but i hear nothing like forests without birds”. This shows that you hear nothing and you are comparing it to forests with the birds in it. NICE JOB.


everyday is the same
Get up go to school come home go to sleep
Get up go to school come home go to sleep
Get up go to school come home go to sleep
five days a week until its finally the weekend

izzy sernel

I liked how you used the phrase “get up go to school come home go to sleep” over and over this really showed the repetition of what you’re doing and made it feel like that’s all week do during the week.

izzy sernel

*that’s all we do during the week.

Amelia Canania

Today in Art I showed a act of kindness
I gave this girl my piece of paper
she said thank you and walked off
not even realizing that I made a small ” sacrifice”


what i did today
woke up
went to school
got home
got bored


alarm clocks going off
the sun piercing the clouds
flowers starting to bloom
tired of school
wishing for summer
one more month
it’s so close


sun is shining
birds chirping
flowers blooming
as we sit in desks
wishing we were outside
that summer has started
no school
no homework
for about 3 months

Kevin H

What I would teach people is manners
Saying “thank you”
“Excuse me”
Now you can’t really fine people that have good manners
Its like finding gild if you find someone with good manners
They don’t say thank you
They don’t say please
They don’t say excuse me they just push
A world without manners
Would be such a disrespectful world


Manners are definitely important and something that not everyone has. I like how you compared finding someone with manners to finding gold because not everyone has them and the people who do have manners are more respectful.


When I stepped outside
The sun hit my face
It was a glorious feeling
What a beautiful place

Hayden W.

I look out at the rows of desks filled with bored students,
waiting for the bell to ring, even though we are only one minute into class.
I begin to talk about the class expectations when,
a kid in the first row raises his hand and says,
“can you get to the point already?”


I think the last line makes the poem more realistic.


If I were to teach a class,
I would teach them the importance of hard work,
So when they become rich,
They will thank me instead of being jerks.


I find the turquoise line,
marking where I should stand.
I look at my competition,
trying to judge if they’re good
even before they run.
I imagine how the race could turn out.
As the last group of the 100m runs,
I know it’s my turn.
I’m not ready.
I haven’t warmed up enough.
Do good.
Be great.
I hear.
I’m afraid of disappointing.
That I won’t be good enough.
On your mark. Get set.


I look through the trees
Canopy of leaves
Trekking through path
My feet feel like trash


I look down on my fingers
Swiftly playing piano
Without even thinking I
Move across the keys like wind


I noticed you used a simile in your poem when you said, “move across the keys like wind.” This contributes to the poem because it tells the reader your hands can play the piano smoothly and gracefully.

Dylan M

Am I a teacher? I ask myself.
I stare at the students, as they stare back.
The intimidating 28 student count.
The teacher skills I surely lack.
I just start talking, and wish things go on track


What I did today:

I trudged for miles,
As my feet grew sore.
Taking in the beauty
Of flowers galore.


I was bored today
I went to the meet
I got really hungry
So I got something to eat

Colin B

I sit in class, almost nobody there.
Sitting at my desk, jut fooling around.
It’s all super boring, nothing to do.
Everyone’s on the field trip, I write down.
I’ll be going on Thursday, I think with a frown

Dylan M

I can relate!
For most of my school day, I usually went to different classrooms as the teachers were at the field trip. We just worked on what we were doing in that class period. I felt exactly like what you said in the line “I’ll be going on Thursday, I think with a frown” during most of the day.


Track and Field;

I run, I run, and I run,
Even if it’s just for fun.
I have made many new friends,
Sometimes I wish track would never end.
District Champs is something we defend.


I saw him this morning
my best friend
his smile lit up my morning
he made me happy
he is the funniest kid
he’s amazing


I can connect with your poem because I know the feeling. Just seeing your best friend smile really can make your day better and change your whole attitude. It’s weird how something so simple can have such an effect on you.


I was scared until they came
I was being insecure
They picked me up and I ran
That day I called them “my cure”


I like how you referred to the people as your “cure” when you said, “That day I called them ‘my cure'”. It adds detail and it gives the reader something to think about.


Parched like the Sonoran desert,
A drastic need of some water,
Loss of energy and inert,
Time goes by and it gets hotter,
Breaking down, trying to survive


I think what phrase helped push what you were trying to say was “breaking down” because it gives the reader a very vivid and very easy to understand image.


I saw her there this morning,
She had her long hair pulled back,
The bright sun was shining down,
Her grin, it was soft and sweet,
We walked each other to class.


When you wrote,” I saw her this morning, She had her long hair pulled back,the bright sun was shining down” I felt scared and calm at the same time. The first two lines made me think that someone was stalking you but that’s good because I like how it was mysterious . I loved your detail.

Henry nham

I play basketball
I make it
I make it again
And then again


When I first rode two-wheeled bike, I felt amazing
But then I fell off my bike
And hit the concrete
After that was really bad


I can relate to the line where you said “But then I fell off my bike and hit the concrete”, I have fallen off my bike many times in the past and always end up scraping my knees or elbows.

Little cesars

A: I eat a slice of pizza
B: it taste good
C: I eat another slice
B: Pizza Is the best food


I like how at the beginning you have the letter scheme and how you decribed how you love pizza


She stood on the bridge in silence and fear
For the demons of darkness has driven her here
They dug her heart right out of her chest
Making her believe that the demons knew best
They were always there
Sometimes just out of sight
Waiting in the background
Till the time was right
These demons were destructive
Knocking down the life she knew
Hating everything about her
She hated herself too
These demons can’t be seen
But they’re far from fairytales
They live inside your mind
Their evilness prevails
So on the bridge she stood
About to end the fight
Then she stopped and thought
I’ll fight them one more night


I like the ending “I’ll fight them one more night” and how it shows how it shows the character gains the courage to fight the demons


i like how you wrote, “for the demon of darkness has driven her here.” i thought that it was very descriptive.

Nathan N

Everything dies
Ran out of breath
Shot in the head
Stabbed in the neck


Your poem has a lot of truth in there. At first when I was reading it I saw thought you meant like about animals in the wild. What I mean by that was when that we hunt animals but then I saw another meaning behind it. People get murdered in this world which is part of,”
Shot in the head
Stabbed in the neck



I went to the dentist today.
To get a filling, what’s more to say.
I did not take care of my teeth.
I ate too much food with sugar.
Now, there’s no cavity underneath.


I like how you rhymed today with say, and teeth and underneath


I can relate to when you said “now there’s no cavity underneath” because I went to the dentist and I go a filling and my cavity isn’t there anymore.


I thought things were better,
and maybe the were so,
but it seems as though I’m sinking,
deeper and deeper I go,
and this deep down below,
things are always mono,
but the more I try to escape,
the lower I seem to go


My hopes and dreams are all one, A
When the wind blow they were there, B
But were taken away with a gun, A
And now there in the air, B

Leo Myers

Lost in the night
Not able to fight
Eyes full of fear
Not able to hear

Abigail Zimmerman

My Baby

I sit with Athena purring on my lap.
She may be a cat, but she is my baby.
She wakes up and stretches.
Will she stay here? Maybe?
She then sits down and falls asleep again.


Hey Abigail, I noticed you used the rhyme scheme ABCBD, because the second line, “She may be a cat, but she is my baby”, and the fourth line, “Will she stay here, Maybe?”rhymed. The rhyming and the matching of syllables of the lines, helped made the poem sound steady, and smooth.


“Loose lips sink ships!”
A flag dangled from the rooftop with the red words splattered across it
“Tell a secret and your blood drips!”
September first, 1939
When all the world seemed to fall down and weep
Victory seemed to be gone, these were the early signs


I admire your rhyme scheme and love your historical references.

Rebecca Padilla

When I saw his smile
My stomach did a flip flop
Making the birds sing from the roof tops
Making the flowers bloom for a while
I couldn’t help but smile


I like the rhyme scheme you chose for this poem and how it benefits the theme.


When you said, “Making the birds sing from the roof tops, Making the flowers bloom for a while,” I felt like I could see the flowers blooming and hear the birds singing.


I really like this poem! I especially like the technique you used in the poem “My stomach did a flip flop.”


It’s sunny
perfect to run
need a good score
for my team
going to win the race
with plenty of space
going to run through the line
just in time to win the race
for the team
and get first place
because we won the race

Hayden W.

I like how you added “Going to win the race, with plenty of space.” because it makes you sound confident and optimistic. You had very good rhyme scheme.


Its bright outside
The morning was pretty good
I talked with friends
And tried to work my hardest
So that everything could stay the same.


it’s sunny
waking up in a good mood
starting off my day positive
walking into school may not always be the thing we want to do
but we are here mostly everyday
so we might as well get used to it
because it’s life
knowing that I have people/friends that are there for me
makes me feel happy
and safe
Every morning having people saying hi
or giving me a hug
or even sneaking up on me makes me feel happy and loved
because they are the ones that make this place called
not boring and not as bad
they helped me be who I am today
they have been part of my journey
they want to see me doing good things
sometimes they are the only reason I’m here
sometimes it’s just one friend that keeps me going
helps me not give up
and inspire me
and I learned that from them
There so many things to be happy about and smile about


When you said “smile laugh cry” I felt all the emotions like I was in your poem because it like a tv show with a happy ending for example the ending says that “there are so many things to be happy about and to smile about” great job


The beautiful sky.
The sun is shining.
The flowers are loud.
Grabs my attention,
because it’s colorful.


I like how you kept the syllable count constant throughout every line. Nice poem


I like the way you personified the flowers, saying “they are loud” to describe their color


Knowing that i have a track meet today
Keeps me happy
it lets all the bad thoughts away
stress comes
but i’m still happy
because its track and field


I like how you were able to describe how track and field made you feel.

Christopher Segundo

I was just going home
I was all alone
which is why I was happy
for the rest of the day


I can relate to the feeling of happiness when you are alone sometimes.


Nothing was going right this morning
But then Sullivan enters the door
She made me a great cup of coffee
I was so excited, what a score
She’s a lifelong friend, I won’t drop her


I liked how you described how your one friend had made everything better.

Powers Rogers

I went to my house
I asked myself
is it worth the struggle?
I thought at the house.

I got the answer, it is.


A Certain Poem

I have to write a poem.
And I have to, my teacher said
Why do I have to write?
Do want to do math instead?
No mam.


The birds chirping in the air,
Gliding from tree to tree
Flying to and fro quickly.
How I wish I could be there,
But they have no room to share.

Rebecca Padilla

In this poem I felt I was there in the story, you had good detail when you said “The birds chirping in the air, gliding from tree to tree”. good poem


I saw”I love you”
On my phone.
I said “love you too”
I sat prone.
I wondered if it was true, “love”.


The sound of birds chirping in the light of day
The peaceful commotion helps me concentrate
The beautiful flowers blow your breath away
It’s sad how little people appreciate.
Nature helps me relax.


I like your entire poem and especially the part you said “Nature helps me relax,” because I can agree with you.


Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring
I slam the blaring box on my night stand
I contemplate dropping out of school
5 more minutes would be absolutely grand
Is an education worth this strife?

Abigail Zimmerman

I noticed that you used a metaphor. You compared the alarm clock to a blaring box because of its noise. Also, your character’s inner struggle of whether or not to drop out is one that many can relate to.


Beautifully Evil

She had a cold stone heart.
But even so she was beautiful.
She was a selfish girl.
But even so they were hopeful.
She is changing.

Benjamin Watford

In the tide of night,
An ember rolls through the dry brush,
The roars of flame slow to a hush,
And the dying of light.


I noticed you used a couple of personifications such as “The roars of flame show to a hush”, which gives a living characteristic of “roaring” to something non-living and “the dying of light” because it is giving the characteristic of death to something that cannot die.


Petals in the wind
The strong trunk stands tall
King of the garden
It fears only the mall

Who wants to destroy his kingdom


Something on the ground
Something in the air
Saw each other once
Knew not why they were there


President elect Donald Trump
He will then build a wall
After his term
It’s the shot I will call
He will have two terms.


A penny on the street
copper and luck
Though not a buck
It invites you to meet

The new person you bump into.


I like the luck and hopefulness mentioned

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