Inspiration: What was your greatest struggle? How did you overcome it, and how has it changed you for the better?

Form: Try to write your poem in couplets today. A couplet is a poem made up of  two-line stanzas with the final word of each line rhyming.

  • Notice how the two lines rhyme in this couplet?
  • Notice how both lines have a similar number of syllables? This is called meter, which gives the poem rhythm. This is a site that can help you with rhyming.

To meet, to know, to love–and then to part,
Is the sad tale of many a human heart.

–Samuel Taylor Coleridge


  • What was a problem that changed who you were, how you acted, and how you saw the world?
  • When you overcame that problem, was there a struggle to do that too?
  • When you changed for the better, was the problem still a part of you?
  • Did it leave a permanent indent on your outlook of life?
  • Did it help you see (the world/your life) clearer?

Public Speaking by Sarah J. Donovan

Most days it is a struggle to be
part of a world that is all about me.
This is not to say that I am not self-absorbed.
I am always worried, not worthy of being adored,.
but for people to listen to what I have to say,
they need to know my words, face, and ways,
and, for me, that is a struggle.

I want students to have a voice
in what they read and write, a choice.
I want them to create –not fill in
worksheets that restrict, ideas dim.
I want them to collaborate without screens,
to look into one another’s eyes and being.

The struggle is not in here but out there.
How do I help them everywhere?
For that, I have to go into  real, virtual worlds,
show my face, use my voice, publish words
worried no one will care, or worse, will judge
what I say, how I speak and not budge.

To overcome, I think,
“It’s not about me
but the literacy lives of teens.”
Then speaking out gets easier.

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Fell in love
I guess the person didn’t feel the same
i was sad
I was hurt
but i had to overcome
That I deserved better


My biggest struggle is
Doing homework
Reading and writing
So much time but it’s worth it to learn


My biggest struggle is
waking up everyday,
and going to school,
I can’t seem to get up…


My biggest struggle is,
Getting up in front of the whole class and presenting
All eyes staring at me
As I speak,
Nervous I mess up
Now I haven’t completely overcome that,
But I think I am slowly getting there


i can relate to when you said ” nervous i mess up” i do that all the time but i forget that everyone is there and just keep going like its nothing


You have to perservere
You have to take the stairs
The escalator doesn’t work
Now what?
How will you overcome
How will you keep your mentality to drive through and prosper
The incessant bringing down of others
They are here to stop you
And you are here to prove them wrong.
You aspire to become a better part of yourself
What’s stopping you
The people that you surround yourself with
The people that are there for you, but not there for you
When you need them the most, where are they?
You have to overcome yourself by being around the people that you want to be like

Ms. Stefanie Rittner

Learning is messy.
It’s okay to feel

If we all
understood everything fully
the first time,
we would miss out
on the

Our minds
so too

We feel
if something doesn’t
have a

Join me
and look
at learning
a different

See the true
of it–
that keeps

Elicia Perez

You helped
me overcome my fear
of getting hurt.

Because you see,
you hurt me.

So now,
I’m no longer
afriad of being hurt.

I’m always prepared
for the storm
that you and others
will bring.


I really like how you said whoever this person is that hurt you once, won’t be able to hurt you again. You really set the mood for the poem and you show that you aren’t afraid to get hurt by them again because you know the pain and how much it hurt.


when my dog died,
Like most, I cried,
But I also learned an important lesson,
That I carry with me today,
Even though I was feeling gray,
I realized that life doesn’t last forever.

Uma Patel

Hey, Malik, the line, “I realized life doesn’t last forever”, stayed with me, because it showed the important lesson, you learned through life hardships, and how they’re is always something to learn from them.

Kevin H

The line that caught my eye was when you said “life does not last forever”is a powerful line and its hard for that to be in your head. GOOD POEM


I was never like this
I hate myself for been like this
No one wants me around
Everyone hates me
I just want love

Nothing would be better
I just need someone
to auctually listen
The only I talk to is the one above


Super good and brigs a lot of emotion


Speaking infront of the class has always been
the biggest struggle for me,
basically my whole life
Sometimes I would even beg to stay home just
because I had to stand alone in the classroom,
all the eyes that stared into mine,
always caring what people thought was reallly important
Until now, I think I can finally do it.


the struggle i faced was myself in soccer, i can’t do anything right
but the thing i could try to do good in is soccer
the sport that I’m good at..the sport that i can make my father proud
I’m scared and that makes me mess up and not believe in myself
I try and I try until i over come it, i haven’t over come my problem but I’m still trying.


The thing I struggle at is speaking in front of people,
Most people say that’s funny coming from me,
I’m pretty outgoing,
When I want to be,
But seeing all eyes on me,
All that attention,
It freaks me out,
Right before I present there’s a feeling of dread,
While I’m speaking I stumble over my words,
When I finish there’s one sliver inside of me they is relieved,
Then that changes to anxiety,
Afraid of my grade,
Still haven’t gotten over it,
Hope I will,
People always say that when you put your mind to it you can do it,
I think when I put my mind to it,
It’s easier to write it.


I can relate to the part “I struggle at speaking in front of people” because I struggle to speak in front of people to.

Henry nham

My biggest struggle was basketball
I would always play the game but always will miss
I have always loved the game
Then I got motivated
I went into the gym and made shot after shot
That motivation made me stay in the gym for 7 hours shooting running and jumping
The motivation was this song i listen to
I trained my jump shot I got faster and I was training my jump ability


Losing a friend
How did i get over it i ask
(I didn’t)
I still drudge about the pain it brings me
Why did they do this
I don’t know
It just happend
just like that im nothing to them
Just a annoying little midget


Staring at the vault
Getting ready to sprint down the runway
I hear my teammates cheering me on
“Come on Ariana”
“You can do it”
“Let’s go”
“Flip it, flip it, flip it”
I stand on my tiptoes
Taking off and towards the vault
Getting really close
I’m in the air
I’m flipping it
Seeing the ground creep up on me
I did it
I can’t believe I pulled it
I finally did my tsuk on vault
My teammates run up to me and give me the biggest hug ever
I was proud
They were proud
I had gotten over my mental block


Getting in fights with friends
You feel hopeless
There is nothing you want more
Then to just make up
To laugh with them
To cry with them
To just be with them
One of the worst things
I hate having to overcome these things

Emma Nuernberg

I walk the halls with fear
Wondering “is my class even near?”

Now i walk the halls with a smile
Knowing to get to my classes wont take but a while

But again I am built with fear
For high school is crawling near

Will I drag through the halls with dread
Or skip through the halls, cheeks semi red

But I already have made fruends with all my teachers
I guess you could call them my preachers

And next year will I have sunshine like a sunrise
Or will all of hell arise


I really like how you made this about the beginning of middle school and now that it’s ending you dont know whats to come in high school. My favorite line is when you said ” And next year will I have sunshine like a sunrise or will all of hell arise”. That really made me think about how much school will change for us and for anyone either moving schools or moving up a grade.


If I let go, I knew I was toast,
I was the one who feared this the most.

But I I swung on the bar so high,
I wondered if I could fly.

My teammates happily cheered for me,
knowing I’d let go on swing three.

But I wasn’t sure if I’d let go,
Thinking I’d land way too low.

If I did, I’d fall on my head,
and probably wind up dead.

But randomly, I knew what to do,
Without thinking, I let go and flew!

I easily flipped through the air,
Dismounting the bar with such care.

My gymnastics career felt complete,
for now, I’d be able to compete!

I had finally done my fly-away,
My future had come off the byway.

I gained a major skill in one day,
And the best part? I was okay!

I learned to just do without blinking,
And let go, never even thinking.

When I didn’t hesitate, I wasn’t afraid,
And finally,
That feeling stayed.



I was scared to death
I thought I would faint
I couldn’t catch my breath
And couldn’t think straight

My knuckles were white
From gripping my sticks
All filled up with fright
Enough to be sick

They were running late
A miracle, you might think
But I wanted it to terminate
Or be done in a blink

I heard a familiar name
Then realized it was mine
I wanted to disclaim
But it was finally showtime

I was about to face my doom
My legs grew really weak
At least I knew the room
Because I came there every week

I stood at the snare drum
In lessons, so familiar to me
My mind went completely numb
And I started to play carefree

My eyes followed the page
My sticks moved up and down
Everyone was totally engaged
But my mind was a ghost town

I waited over an hour for my score
A fourth grader couldn’t stand for that long
But I didn’t really care anymore
Because I had actually stayed strong


Good job emphasizing your fear with overstatements and metaphors like “My mind was a ghost town”. I really felt your terror as you competed in this music contest, great job!


The feeling of abandonment
I seem to always feel lonely
I could literally be in a room full of loving people
And I’d still feel
Being the middle child is hard
the older one always got the most praise
The youngest got the most attention
But I was left with nothing
I grew up knowing my parents were strict
But I’m certain that if I ever did something that I wouldn’t be proud of
They wouldn’t even notice
I don’t want that
I don’t want to feel like I can do whatever I want
I don’t like knowing that the only reason I rarely get caught for doing dumb things is because no one cares
I don’t like feeling like I got tossed away
I hate feeling like this
I just need to be acknowledged
For the things that I’m proud of
And for the things I’m not so proud of

Mik Mieczkowski

Doing hours of work every single day
Getting more stressed by the minute
The only thing that calms me down is the knowledge that it’s almost over.
Once this is all done I’ll have wished I worked even harder.
But I’m only a human, and I can’t do homework for 4 hours.
When will this be over?

Jasmine Plata

A girl who was a older brother and sister.
A sister who made it into,
YALE and rejected Princeton.
A brother who is at
Urban Campaign do science mechanical stuff.
Always get looked at as a version of my older sister.
“You need to be like you sister.”
One single mistake and
literally my doom.
Get looked up at the smart little girl.
Supposedly taking my sister’s footsteps.
Trying to stand out and make
my own path.
Discover things my sister didn’t.
Doing things my brother didn’t.
Trying to amaze my parents.
“No 2 snowflakes are alike.”
So why should my sister and I be?
It’s a challenge to be different and I accept it.


the time when my parents fought it made me view life totally different
it mad me feel that way because it made me think like ” life is not always sweet
there is going to be up’s and downs you just going to have to go with it.
i think this changed me for the better and made me stronger as a person
because it let me know how life can sometimes get rough.
I t made me see life like if life throws a rock at you, you just have to dodge it.


Life is full of challenges
but they can change you for the better
and improve your life

Mik Mieczkowski

That is true, challenges are pretty much always a positive thing. If you never challenge yourself, you will never get really good at anything. I like how you said that they actually “improve your life”, I agree with that, because when you are older you are going to be wishing you challenged yourself even more.


Her parents said she was miserable
hated the world
she should be more like her sister
she should be on a diet
she was a drug addict
she is rebelling against them
she only cared about herself
she was the least genuine person they knew
she was fake
They thought her passion was to rebel against them
But the only thing she was rebelling was the person they wanted her to be,
socially accepted
caring of everyone even them who hurt her the most
open to them even when they weren’t open to her
a robot who stuffed her feelings inside and not exploded
someone they always thought her sister was


Amelia Canania

Trying to overcome the fear
only a little girl I was watching the movie ” scream”
Looking behind me to see if he was there
All alone in a room
scared to death


overcoming fear
it is the hardest thing to do
for me it was my choice
my choice to leave my old friends
my choice to change myself
my choice to be happy
it was hard
did i make the right choice?
i might never know
but i do know that
i was happy


I used to be a very closed off person.
I wouldn’t share my real thoughts with people.
To stay that way, I decided to be rude to people
But I realize now that being that way is only pushing people away
I am now working on my attitude towards people
I want to be nice and make people happy.
If i don’t change I might loose the people i most care about…


I like the statement “I might loose the people I most care about…” it shows suspense and you kinda realize that by being a concealed person your only pushing away the person who want you to be open


Courage sometimes is the quietest voice
That roars loudest from within
Making faith a distinctive choice
And compelling motivation to try again

When obstacles invariably come your way
Into every direction that you have turned
A thousand misery comes in a friendlier way


overcoming takes pride
the ability to do something that is hard
pushing though and never giving up
having more hope to overpower fear
some things get hard
feels like they will never work out as planned
going a complete other direction
finding the power
the strength
to tell yourself that it will get better
that whatever is going on
its all just a thing
nothing lasts forever


My greatest struggle is forgetting things
I used to forget homework and to check sis
but now that I write notes
I forget way less.


I like how you described the problem and presented the solution.


a problem that changed me in a way that i will never be the same the problem do i stay with my friends or do i take the offer and hangout with new people new year new me but does that mean new friends new possibilities or old comfort but why don’t i just choose both


The smell of the office I will forever remember
The day I found out about my back
A sixth grade girl
Lean and strong
Putting in 20 hours a week
What could have gone wrong?
For 3 months I was stuck
With a brace on my back
No flipping, tumbling
Swinging to throwing
Nothing to do
But sit and wait for it to heal
I had to give up the one thing I’d always known
And I cried for days wondering what I’d done
I then moved on and after 6 months
I went with my new passion
Starting with a ball and a bat


I love how you said “I had to give up the one thing I’d always known”, it showed strength and power of your recovery and your deep emotional pain, which made me feel that too.


When I first moved.
No one I know
nothing to do
I’m always so bored
with no one to talk to
will anyone help
I guess that’s a no
but if your there I’m feeling low

Christopher Segundo

June was a month of sadness
People treat it like happiness
But the reason it wasn’t good
is cause I have to go to another school.

I came here for school
so I don’t become a fool
but I have to at least make friends
so I can leave this school with a happy end

So I tried to meet new people
I found people like henry who respected my talents
I found people like giancarlos and erik to make me laugh
I found people like Liam and Mik to talk to
I found out to not be afraid…


Meeting new people
Was always a struggle
Until I moved 4 times

Leaving best friends
Was always a struggle
Until I did it 4 times

It wasn’t my choice
I didn’t have a voice
In the decision

I wouldn’t have left you
If I could have chosen


Step back it’s pointless,
treated like your worthless,
their intentions are negative,
their words are always effective,
at this point a lack in trust,
seems like a must

Steven Paul

As I realized
my friends were hurting me
I was not my self
a nerd
a treky
a Inner planetary time traveling WIZARD
I left them
but yet I did not
there was still
a piece
of which I did not want.


Overcoming Loneliness

Missing a mother
Is a feeling like no other.
For a year no mom at night
To tuck me in, to turn off the light.
She had to work all night and day
To make ends meet, with bills to pay.
My snuggles were with my grandmother
And with my uncle, my mom’s brother.
We played together and I was brought to school
Then to the park and the swimming pool.
All through this year and time
My mom was always on my mind.
I would sense when she was nearby
And would go running to her with a cry.
With outstretched arms and ready to hug
My heart strings always felt that little tug.
For there was no better kiss
Then from a mommy whom you miss.
Finally my mom found a full-time job
I let out a happy yell and a joyful sob.
My mom was back to tuck me in bed
And to stroke the hairs upon my head.
Yes, the loneliness I felt
Would make your heart melt.
But having missed her so very much
I loved her more now with her special touch.
Thanks, Mom, for working hard for me
I love you always, eternally.

Rebecca Padilla

This poem was very touching, you made me feel the way you were feeling, which is very hard to do as a writer. I part that got to me was “My mom was back to tuck me in bed, and to stroke the hairs upon my bed.” I know how important it was for me to get tucked in when i was little so when you wrote this I felt a sense of connection.


I am failing
some classes
at the beginning
of each quarter
this semester.

It is bad
because I do not
turn in my work
on time
to my teachers.

But then
by the end
of the quarter
I get them

But I
do not
get full credit
for my

This brings
down my
year grade
and GPA.

But now
I have
to turn
in my work.

For I
need to be
as good as
I can

Little cesars

9 years ago august
I was 5…
I wake up from a long car ride
and enter a building
I look at my surroundings and see it’s a hospital
I ask my dad why we are here?
he stays silent, I stand up and see my grandma
she’s sitting in the hospital bed eyes closed
I ask her what happened?
I notice my parents and relatives are crying…
They tell me that that morning she had died of cancer…
I started to cry.
I hug her and tell her she was the best grandma I could ever have and wish for.
To this day I still miss and think about her.
My time with her was short but I still loved her


your poem was touching to me because i know how it feels to lose someone that you loved. i can connect to the part where you said, “to this day I still miss and think about her.”


it changes you even if u don’t want it to
its hard to overcome it,
i’m scared that every time i say something everyone is going to ask why
“why would you say that” “you’re not alone i’m here for you”
they say that but actually don’t understand whats happening
and then if they don’t understand what i’m trying to say
then i have to explain my problems to them and then they would ask questions again
“oh are you okay” I say yes but really inside my mind is trapped in a maze of emotions
that can’t find a way out


I love how your poem expresses deep thinking/thoughts about a certain topic. When you said, “I’m scared that every time I say something everyone is going to ask why,” to me, some times it’s good to know that there are friends who will ask questions and you don’t have to be afraid.


I like the line where you say ” I say yes but really inside my mind is trapped in a maze of emotions they can’t find a way out” I like this line because i can connect to it. Sometimes we think we got rid of that thought but actually we didn’t it will never come out. It isn’t stuck inside and during the night you just stare into blank space overthinking on this one little thought. So I think all out minds are tapped inside of a maze.


I like the metaphor: “my mind is trapped in a maze of emotions” because it kind of describes how sometimes people experience all these suffocating thoughts and emotions and they are trying to get out but they cant because they are trapped.


Their together now
I can’t do anything about that
their happy
and I want to see them happy
My chance had already passed and I rejected it
just for the fact that I wasn’t ready
and I don’t regret the choice that I made
because I didn’t want to force myself to do something
I wasn’t ready for
But now that they are together
I sometimes think
“that would’ve or should’ve been me”
and I think of why I said what I said
and I just think and think about it
but I think it was for the best
and they both are happy and they love each other
and I am not in a rush
Sometimes we feel like there is no way out of a situation
but there is and the answer is
patience because in order to over come something
you have to be patient and learn on your own
because no one is always going to be by your side
Don’t give people your happiness because if you do
one day you may never be happy again

Chris A

Being myself
its not easy being a “different”, “weird”, kid
being socially accepted by others
Mentally and physically broken
this has been the most overcoming thing have done

being told that “different” is Wong or “not normal”
but maybe its not bad, after all i’m human i’m just like everyone else.


Every day
I think about my friend
Are you happy today? or are you sad?
If they’re sad
I wish I was by them to help them out
I wish I could tell them jokes and make them smile
Because my friend has a beautiful smile
He is always kind and makes me smile too
I wish I could talk to my friend all the time
But I can’t
Even if I wanted to
Please don’t feel sad
Even if everyone hates you
Even if you’re the lowest of the low
You’re my friend
And I won’t leave you

Jazmine Johnson

I can relate to the part ” I wish I was by them to help them out,I wish I could tell them jokes and make them smile” because those are the things that I do when my best friend is down and try to help them get through their day and they do the same with me.

Rebecca Padilla

I have a problem
Or so my mom told me
“You need to learn to wake up on time”
I try to
But I love sleep too much
My bed doesn’t let me get up
It pulls me back in every time
I try to get up
But I needed a change
I needed to learn to get my day started
I started setting multiple alarm clocks
I started to play music in the morning
It helped me get motivated
Now it some how is easier to get up
I’m not angry when my mom “ruins” my sleep
I overcame the power of sleep


Overcoming the Morning
why does school have to be so boring
try to get to lunch
where we can munch
first math
than Band
next Science
finally history
then we get to lunch
to munch


Overcoming Fear
was one of the top things I had a
on I’ve never shown it I’ve just felt it
when I’m scared all I do is not show
that I am
to me it’s like showing weakness
I have always felt like I shouldn’t show
will I ever show fear
do I want to show fear
tbh sometimes
I will never show fear


overcoming anxiety isn’t easy, it still kills me every time it comes
it shuts my body down
i fight
i cry
i can’t sleep
i fight all day telling it to go away and leave me alone.
but it doesn’t
so i fight some more.

Leo Myers

Black hair
Wanted to be normal
never able to
Always fighting
For who I am
Running from myself
Never able to be the same
Is it bad to be


I really like how you repeated the word ‘different’ over and over again. I felt like when you said “is it bad to be different?” it made the piece really powerful and to realize that not everyone is the same.


Also like Chessie I really like how you repeated different because when you kept saying different it made me think and it made me realize that every one is different to other people but it not really bad to be different. I actually realized that being different is actually a compliment because there saying your unique.


We all have a difficulty,
something that will make us work physically,
life is an obstacle course,
that will make us fight with force,
it is up to you,
if you want a challenge to pursue


A man with nothing is far more powerful than a man with everything
What does the man have to lose, nothing
While the other has to worry about everything
I have learned to overcome my obstacles by going through the obstacles
I dive through them with a different mindset
I go into it, I will not allow someone get to my head
I battle like I have nothing to lose
Like it’s my last
I fight
I overcome

Colin B

Schoolwork was getting to my head,
the papers piled up on my bed filled me up with dread.

I had waited till last minute for it was Sunday at 5:00,
and the only ideas in my head went against that subtle tick tock.

I worked and worked until it was 8:00, and I didn’t even stop there.
I remembered these very poems, even though I wanted to be elsewhere.

I took a risk, and went to bed tired from the busy weekend.
And now I feel relief with every poem I send.


This is painful,
many people think your heart is full.
They think you have everything,
so you don’t need anything.
They think that you are quiet,
but you’re not, you just seem like it.
When you finally feel like yourself,
people start asking questions about your health.
This gives you a scare,
you’re afraid that they care.
They do care,
so you pretend you’re unaware.
You pretend that nothing is wrong,
that in your heart you are strong.
So they stop bugging you,
and they start leaving too.
Because when you have a boring story,
people don’t care, and don’t feel sorry.
So then you’re left alone,
and told to solve this on your own.
You fail many times,
each time, it’s like it’s a crime.
A crime that hurts you,
a crime that hurts your family too.
Sometimes you wish someone would catch you,
that an officer would show up too.
That the officer could lend a hand,
help you go through with this and understand.
So you find one that’s helped many a criminal,
and you’re entered in a system that’s completely digital.
That officer helps you become who you really are,
not a criminal, but a shining star.

Sarah J. Donovan, PhD

You take me on a journey here. I am so intrigued by the “crime” and the meaning it can have. The line that is staying with me is “entered in a system that’s completely digital” contrasted with the metaphor “shining star.” Beautiful.

Kevin H

You can escape form it
Back to January 2014
First person i love passes away
We all hope no one dies
But its going to happen someday
You can’t escape it no matter how hard you try
Its the way of life
Its going to happen one day or another
Wether you like it or not
I look it at this way because some people are scared of it
But you can’t be scared its part of life
You can run from everything
You can hide from everything
But you can’t escape from it
Just because of that does not mean you ant live you’re life to the fullest
“Its better to die young and do whatever was in you’re bucket list
Then live a not time and just stayed all safe and alone”-Fluffy


Standing on the bimah I felt scared,
Even though I knew I was prepared.
Looked across the crowd and found my friend,
Waiting for the nervousness to end.
Read the torah and prayers and did fine,
Now I get to cross the finish line.


They left a scar on my skin.
That reminds me of my flaws
every time I look at it.
They thought that lowering my platform
would somehow raise theirs.
The words that were spoken soaked into my skin.
Like water absorbed onto a cloth.
Now I can’t look at myself in the same way again.
Without the memories pounding on the door,
trying to reach me.
It’s written on the back of my hand
so everyday I am reminded
of the scar.


I was there looking in your eyes
moments later ,you made me want to die
you took my love and my heart,
tore it into two
then stepped on it
and never gave me a clue as to…..

Izzy sernel

I struggle everyday.
I feel loss
I feel confused
I feel stressed
But yet I overcome.
I push through the doubt
I push through the fear
I push through the worry
And somehow it all disappears.
I’ve overcome loss
I’ve overcome confusion
I’ve overcome stress
And now my life is starting fresh.


I noticed you used the technique of refrain in your poem by repeating the phrases “I’ve overcome,” “I push,” and “I feel.” This adds to the poem by emphasizing what you are overcoming, pushing through, and feeling.



The basis for any
Ballet position
Standing on the toes of your feet
Holding your head up high
Spotting your position
Landing a triple pirouette (turn)
Blisters on the bottoms of my toes
Ankles about to give out
Chin up
Smiles on
The curtain opens in



Day after day,
I feel like I have no say,
I feel so stressed,
And that I need to get rest.

When I don’t have homework,
I tend to have a smirk,
I like being able to watch tv,
And just feel free of work for a day.

Homework helps me review lessons,
So I don’t need tutoring sessions.
Whenever I need help,
I could ask a friend/parent with one yelp.

Homework has helped me realize that I need homework to remember a lesson for a future quiz/test.


I can relate to the line where you said “homework helps me review lessons” because whenever I dont understand something in one of my classes, homework usually helps me re-learn it and figure out problems through my own technique.


I’ve learned that you don’t know
what a person Is going through
Not even a little bit
You know them on the outside
but what is happening with in
don’t hate just love
We live on this planet together
So why can’t we all get along
Smile and be nice
I know how it feels to be ignored and not loved
And I hope no one experiences that
You have to be strong


This poem is so beautiful, Kayla! I love the message of just loving everyone for who they are. It’s so important truly know someone’s inside and not just their out. They’re completely different!


I learned I’m not alone
I sometimes make myself seem like I’m made of stone

Yet I know that there’s always someone there
I see them laughing and think”it’s not fair”

The next day, I don’t feel like I’m an outsider
As I talk to all of you, my smile grows wider

You guys actually care about me
I don’t feel like I want to flee


I can relate to when you said ” I learned I’m not alone” because when I was going through something, I felt like I was alone. That nobody would understand what I was going though, and that I was a failure. But then I learned that I wasn’t alone too, and it made everything better.


“As I talk to all of you, my smile grows wider” i am glad someone can manage to put a smile on your face after you have a rough day, there’s a lot of people who would want to see you happy. I can relate to this in so many ways, beautiful poem Jarely.

Hayden W.

A struggle that I’ve had to get over,
not be a pushover.

To state my opinions,
to get in good positions.

Not to be easily swayed,
and not to be afraid.

izzy sernel

I can relate to the this poem because sometimes I feel like I’m a pushover in certain things because I don’t want to hurt peoples feelings or start anything, But I realized that I need to say my opinions and When you wrote ” Not to be easily swayed” that connected because people do always push each other in different ways but I’ve learned not to be afraid.


If only I had more energy,
The “L” we took might never be,

I could have at least ran,
Down the field with a game plan,

Maybe I should have drank,
More so I could have had a full tank.


Oh no, it got deleted
All my hard work mistreated

I have to write this all again
Please help me through this, amen

Oh this is taking so long
At least my fingers will get strong

But I should fix this thing here
And this one disappear

My essay became a lot better
I have over come my problem to a blur

Nathan N

(Cringe warning)

My greatest stuggle
Is writers block
Which is why
This poem is short


In gymnastics I was struggling,
struggling to overcome a skill and do it correctly,
I tried and tried so many times to perfect the skill,
but I wasn’t doing it.
So I stopped and I rethought the entire thing from before, during, and after the skill.
So then I just chucked the skill doing everything differently and without thinking.
I did it.
Now since that day, I have to continue to do it correctly,
and I have to make the good a habit.


Imagine that one of the things that bring you joy can also bring you down
when I draw I feel special
like nothing can stop this wave of happiness
but with a talent usually theirs a catch
you always have to know that you are not the best there is
that there is always gonna be someone better than you
Ive sat looking at the art of most artists feeling bad
wondering and comparing myself to them
seeing that there art was better than mine would really bother me
that’s why I need to tell myself that i am not perfect
but I can improve
and I have improved
And now knowing that I can learn and become better
has really made overcoming this fear easy.


I like how you used the technique of personification when you said, “like nothing can stop this wave of happiness,”. This enhances the poem because it helps you envision your happiness and how you feel.

Sarah J. Donovan, PhD

Most days it is a struggle to be
Part of a world that is all about me.
This is not to say that I am not self absorbed.
I am always worried, not worthy of being adored.
But for people to listen to what I have to say
They need to know my words, face, and ways.
And, for me, that is a struggle.

I want students to have a voice
in what they read and write, a choice.
I want students to create not fill in
worksheets that restrict, ideas dim.
I want students to collaborate without screens
To look into one another’s eyes and being.

The struggle is not in here but out there.
How do I help students everywhere?
For that, I have to go into the real, virtual worlds
show my face, use my voice, publish words–
worried no one will care or will judge
how I look, how I speak and not budge.

To overcome, I think,
“It’s not about me
but the literacy lives of teens”–
And then speaking out gets easier.


your poem is very inspirational, it really shows how much you do help others.

Abigail Zimmerman

My Brother

As a baby, I was used to being adored.
Then, my brother was born and became the new lord.

No one paid any attention to me.
My brother was the only child they’d see.

I was lonely, longing for a friend.
I got jealous, thinking him as the end.

I was angry with him, my little brother.
But above all, I was angry with my mother.

Then one day, my brother began to play.
I learned something important that day.

My brother was not the end.
He was just my little friend.


I like how you structured the poem and made it rhyme


I can relate to the feeling of being left out sometimes, but then you realize that it might benefit you later.


Haha, When you wrote “I thinking him as the end” I can really feel for the issue, though I know is was an overstatement

Dylan M

The day of the competition.
I struggled to wake up.
Tried to take my time for everything,
But it didn’t work.
When I finally got there,
The gymnasium was packed.
I couldn’t hear myself.
A quiet room.
A judge.
I could hear sounds of playing.
My playing.
I just left.


I used to play a sport and I can relate to that feeling you get before a major game or competition, but its when you really get into it is when you realize you’ll be fine.


Dylan I like how you had no emotion after you got scored because I found that funny because all you said is “I Just Left.”

Dylan M

That really happened! They didn’t pass out scores until the end of the competition and so I went home. I got the scores through a teacher who stayed there until the end.

Dylan M

(I still can’t edit)
I got a little mad because I was (bold text here) ONE (stop bold text) point off of getting a perfect score, but that was at home.

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