Saturday morning is Dan time. Dan is my husband. Husbands of teachers are amazing, incredibly tolerant and not always patient with their teacher-spouse who answers school emails in bed and wakes up in the middle of night to write a lesson plan and who spends most of Saturday with her nose in a book and who wears a day of students’ love and hate in her eyes during dinner and who misses the Top Chef “please pack your knives and go” because she is thinking about an article that is due.

On Saturday mornings, Dan and I go to breakfast and then to a movie. The first showing is the cheapest, but we go to that one not because we can’t afford a later one but because Dan says it’s the principle of it. Then, we go to Aldi. I usually wait in the car because I feel lost in stores and anxiety with people moving so quickly and in random patterns even though there are rows, but Dan wants me to be with him, so today I went inside Aldi. He is a master shopper. It is a joy to see him in his element of checking prices and skipping the cold stuff they put in the front of the store when everyone knows the cold stuff should be bought last.

We are home now, and I am exhausted. I just want to curl up with a book. So this video is of my book shelves. I will now read while Dan watches a Cub’s game and plans our spring break.
Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum from Two Writing Teachers. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.

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Tammy L Breitweiser

What a wonderful routine to have! I find stores that are overcrowded to be a stress inducer for me as well. Thank you for writing about it.
I understand the need to have downtime when you have had so much activity too – the curse of introversion!


The concrete details you’ve included in this post help to put the reader in your frame of mind and really capture the balance in your relationship.

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