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Ethical ELA Podcast

Podcast: A Conversation with Allison Berryhill

Welcome to the Ethical ELA Podcast, a podcast about teaching English language arts, emphasis on language and art. We hope you listen on your drive to and/or from school each Monday! In this episode, I talk to Iowa educator Allison Berryhill about reciprocity in writing …

Eighteen #verselove2019 with Anna Roseboro

Inspiration: Lazy Sonnet FEELING LAZY TODAY? Can you write 14 words? Yep, just fourteen words ending in a rhymed couple, in honor of the Bard. You know one of the primary traits of poetry is economy of carefully selected words chosen for their sound and …

Writing Poems About the Season, a 5-Day Plan by Anna J. Small Roseboro

As you look ahead to April and plans for National Poetry Month (which we hope includes #verselove2019, Ethical ELA’s poem-a-day celebration), consider a week of seasonal writing brought to you by the amazing Anna J. Small Roseboro. What a gift she is to teachers and …

22, Friday. Movies and Compliments

Freedom Writers. MacFarland, USA. It is a tradition at this school to play a movie the last few periods of the school day leading into a break. In this video, I have a few thoughts on this practice and the movie selections, which may or …

21, Thursday. Verbalizing Teacher-Think

Twenty-seven voices echo phrases of twenty-seven weeks as a class. That line has alliteration. I think the tooth here represents something more, symbolic of the character coming loose. All three characters have a member of their family who sacrificed safety for the good of the …

20, Wednesday. Inspired by Surroundings (and Haiku)

Three days. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Three days to inspire. What can I do in the three days before we break for spring that will make students want to come to class, be excited to write? My friend, cousin, composer, author, musician, teacher, Regina Baiocchi, hosts …

30 Days of Verse: Sign-Up to Write a Poem a Day with Ethical ELA this April #verselove2019

Writers, teachers, teacher educators, people-who-say-they’re-not-poets-but-just-might-be (essentially, everyone)! I know it feels too soon for April and National Poetry Month, but I am looking forward to springtime in great anticipation of living in the universe with and through verse. During the month of April, I will …

19, Digital Portfolios=Sanity

I was born in the 70’s. I had my first email address in the 90’s while at the University of Illinois, Urbana. There was a computer lab in the basement of the dorm, and I spent hours there learning how to type, saving and re-saving …

18, Monday. Saying Farewell

Tonight was the last night of the last class that I will teach at this university. I am taking time today to reflect on my eight years of teaching evening teacher ed courses — adolescent psychology, secondary English methods, middle school methods, literacy across the …

Test Prep or Teaching?

A six-foot-ish seventh grade student sits with knees pressing the desk nearly off the floor, hunched over his device scrolling up and down to solve the mathematics equations of the new-not-new state test. The once blanket of snow beyond the window over his shoulder is …

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