Tonight was the last night of the last class that I will teach at this university. I am taking time today to reflect on my eight years of teaching evening teacher ed courses — adolescent psychology, secondary English methods, middle school methods, literacy across the curriculum.

The “students” from these courses are now my colleagues, working with students not only in Chicago but across the country and even over seas. What a gift it has been to be trusted by this university and to have had a small part in so many teachers’ becoming. Much gratitude.

Below is a PNG of guide we used to comment on one another’s writing (gallery-walk style), and below that is the video of their gratitude statements. I sent out a Google form asking each student to share how another classmate impacted their learning in the course. I created a video of what we learned and experience during the course followed by all their gratitude statements.

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Roxanne OWens

We are going to miss you terribly! You have been a wonderful addition to our faculty!

Darin Johnston

>What a gift it has been to be trusted by this university and to have had a small part in so many teachers’ becoming. Much gratitude.<

I love this sentiment, that having the part in the development of a teacher as a gift. Much gratitude to you sharing this end with us. 🙂

Brian Rozinsky

Your video journal captures moments more sweet than bitter on what looks like a full (and sunny!) day.

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