As we took off our socks and shoes, one girl said that even when she is in a bad mood, just getting her feet in the sand takes that all away. She went on to say she read an article about how our feet are very sensory, and the sand hits our feet sensors in a way that can directly impact our mood. Of course, when we play sand volleyball in the summer at Oak Street and Foster Beaches, there is always sun and wind and the smell of sunblock. The sand does a number on our feet sensors, but we all agreed that the whole beach atmosphere can’t help but lift the mood.

During the Chicago winters, a group of women create a spread sheet for sand volleyball on Sundays from 10-12 from November to April. We play two-on-two, so one fabulous lady gathers our availability on the spreadsheet and then sets up a schedule one month at a time. Everyone tries to make it two or more weekends a month to get our feet in the sand.

For me, it is a time of play that I just don’t offer myself any other time. All my worries, lists, schedules indeed fade away the moment my feet hit the sand. Of course, if I were focused on other things, I would get nailed in the face — these girls are competitive. We play hard for two hours, and during that time, my legs take me across the court, my hands dig, set, hit and high five. I laugh, yell, and even swear (a little). I am reminded of the value and joy of play time.

As our time nears the end, we all try to get a few more plays in. We don’t want it to end. We don’t really want to get back to our grown-up lives, just yet. Today, my husband was watching, smiling, waiting for me, and I know he knows that I am happy.

These girls witness a side of this teacher’s life that few people know exist (until now or unless you follow my Instagram in the summer). I share it here to ask how you find play time, and I share it here so that I will remember to make more time for play during the school year.

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum from Two Writing Teachers. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.

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Great opening line! I was hooked, and I totally agree– play keeps us going and fun brings us joy!


We are quite close geographically. I am just in Northwest Indiana. Doing what we love all year can be motivating!!

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