Inspiration: You have learned a lot in your lifetime. I bet you have some advice to give  that would, if not make life easier for anther, comfort another in their journey to make sense of this world. If you are up for it today, write an advice poem. If not, write about anything you wish.

Some brainstorming idea:

  • What is a sport, hobby, or talent you have really become adept (good) at — cello, hockey, badminton, cake making, sewing, reading, writing?
  • What is a chore or way of helping that you “get” better (the purpose, the value, the people you help) — volunteering, mowing the lawn, babysitting for your sibling?
  • What is something really small that you do well that maybe no one noticing — it could be invisible, intangible like kindness, positive thinking, imagining?

Try apostrophe here — talking to an imaginary person who would benefit from your advice with a “you.”

“Advice to all the Talls” (not that I don’t love the Smalls)

When I was your age, I was 5’9”,
rather tall in the halls
of middle school.
My sisters called my pants
“floods” because they were
too short,
so I would steal my brother’s 32x34s Levi’s
belt them tight and join a world
not waiting for a flood.
In those days, there were no “talls” or “longs”
in the stores for girls as if being tall were so sort of wrong.
So between the pant thing and
the boy issue (being literally a foot taller than some),
I would slouch, and hunch, and hide
not knowing that it would get better.
It did get better.
It does get better.
The world of fashion caught up,
and you now benefit from stores (most online)
with longer sleeves, hems, and lengths (even 36s).
But clothes cannot stand tall for you.
Walk with your shoulders back and enjoy the view.

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