Inspiration (though you can write about anything): Write a break-up poem – names are optional. It might be a break up with sweetie, but it could be about breaking up with a bad habit. Your break up poem might be sad, but it can also be an ode or a celebration of your time “together.” One technique is to use apostrophe (not the punctuation mark) to talk to the object/subject directly. Give this a go, or go in another direction. Enter your poem in the comment section below.

There was a time
when I was far from home,
and I needed your comfort
during the long drives to work
and lonely lunches,
for I knew no one,
and no one knew me.
But you, you were familiar —
a bit of home
that I could carry with me,
You, with your bright, red twists,
you, with your fat-free, eat-as-much-as-you-want,
one pound packaging,
you, with your chewy, cherry luster.

Alas, you became my addiction,
an escape from my homesickness.
I did, quite literally, carry you in my waistline,
but your packaging sealed me off, an invisible wall
between me and my new world.
I had to quit you cold, (vegan) turkey.

Now, some time has passed,
and I have returned home
to my friends and family.
I still have long drives
and eat lunch alone- though I am not lonely.

Sometimes I wonder if you and I,
if we, can give it another go,
but, alas, dear Twizzlers,
your twists no longer have that luster.
I find comfort in words — comfort here, in this poem.

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