Inspiration: Writing poems can be intimidating. One exercise that spoken word artist Sarah Kay suggests to make poem-ing more accessible is making lists. The list itself can be the poem or the list can be a springboard for creating other poems. There are many list possibilities, but here are several options you might consider for today’s poem:

  • list of 10 things you know to be true
  • list of 10 things you should have learned by now
  • list of 10 things you love
  • list of 10 things I’d change in the world
  • list of 10…. (Why ten? Not sure, choose a number that fits you.)

Three things I know to be true

bounces you back
to the day you were picked
for kickball in second grade
(or this week past)
on the playground.

is a verb
not a grand gesture of words
but every action big and small to serve,
a way of being in the world
(that doesn’t involve
someone standing
on the playground).

may sneak up on you when you least expect
(because you are focused on rejection,
not love).
Let it come–
chest expanding,
air passing
through your nose
into the accordion
with love
on the playground.

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10 things i love.
I love food.
I love hanging out with friends.
I love being with family.
I love spring.
I love my 1 true friend i have.
I love eating.
I love my phone.
I love sleeping.
I love listening to music


there was a black president
ms. z is a lit teacher
ray loves frootloops
i look like fresh prince of balor
i love p.e
i have a lot of friends
ms.z daughter is really smart
there 5 minutes left
the sky is blue
there are trolls under a bridge

how to eat
do hw
ride a bike

pop tarts

the president
no hw
speed limet


10 Things I Love
Falcon Park
Not you


10 things I know to be true
1. I need to believe to achieve
2. things don’t come easy
3. always have patience
4. my family loves me
5. The book of Mormon is true
6. Have the trust the people who trust you
7. Today I don’t feel like doing anything
8. I love my family


That is not ten things though…


Ten things I know to be true
10. I am a good friend
9. I am helpful
8. I am intelligant
7. I am caring
6. I may not always give the best advice
5. I don’t do my work
4. I lie a bit too much and that’s the truth
3. I can get really annoying
2. I’m known to push people away at tough times
1. I know I am not the only one with this list


10 Things I Love

1) Technology
2) Cars
3) YouTube
4) Food
5) Motorcycles (sporty ones, I hate cruisers)
6) Books
7)Movies of the books
8) Shoes
9) Comics
10) WiFi/Internet


1. I love Justin Bieber
2. I love my family
3. I love spending time with my friends
4. I love reading
5. I love being alone
6. I love Starbucks
7. I love shopping
8. I love my dad
9. I love my friends
10. I love wifi

Amelia Canania

I can relate to the part where you said ” I love my family” Because I love my family too. Nice job


10 things i love

10- i love cereal
9- i love spending time alone
8- i love designer clothing
7-i love my soccer team
6- i love the 2 real friends that i got
5- i love the people who have never switched up on me
4- i love sports
3-i love this shorty that ive been talking to for a while
2- i love my family
1- i love soccer


10 thing I Love
3. Fall
4. My family
5.My dog
6. Friends
7.Doing crazy things
8.Roller Coasters
10. Eating


1. Friends don’t last forever
2. Not everybody stays
3. Forgiving is not always the easiest thing to do
4. School is hard
5. Teachers give to much homework
6. Never give up
7. Sometimes not everything is going to be easy
8. Always trying your best is better
9. People lie
10. Some people do change


When you said “Friends don’t last forever, Forgiving is not always the easiest thing to do, and Sometimes not everything is going to be easy,” I felt that it was a good reminder of how reality isn’t always something we approve and how not everything is going to be easy in life. In my life, i never want things to change, but sometimes I just have to accept the fact that everything can’t always go exactly how I want it to.


1. Bendy and the ink machine
2. Undertale
3. Five Nights at Freddy’s
4. Favorite movie character
5. Favorite TV characters
6. People
7. Animals


5 things I do
1. play soccer
2. sleep games

Little cesars

5 things I love

2.Video games


1. Twenty øne piløts
2. YouTube
3. Laughing
4. Friends
5. Dan and Phil
6. Food
7. Sleeping
8. My phone
9. Snapchat
10. Music

Amelia Canania

1 I know that cancer can kill you
2 life is hard
3 friends will turn on you
4 forgiveness is hard
5 school is hard
6 pizza is good
7 ice cream tastes good
8 mechanical pencils are better
9 chrome books are useful
10 i have friends


list of ten things i love
petting dogs
petting cats
riding horses
using bikes
using the computer
playing video games
using my ipad
watching anime


Ten things I love
My family
My friends
Listening to music
My elementary school


Things that defined me

True friends
My family

does are the only things that matter to me
specially my family


Tree things that define me:

My family
They laugh and love
But yell and punish
All so I can make
The right decisions
Like I try to do today.

My friends
They joke around
But stick with me always
All so I can be happy
And make the most
Out of each day.

My books
They take me far away
But keep me safe at home
All so I can wish and dream
And run away anywhere
Away from everyday reality.


the phrase “they joke around but stick with me always ” got me thinking about my friend because i have lost a lot of my friends and they don’t always stay they just leave


I dislike how people treat others poorly,
I dislike how distractions are everywhere,
I dislike how there’s never equality,
I dislike the summer, when the weather is unbearable,
I dislike crowds,
I dislike socializing,
I dislike bridges,
I dislike disorganization,
I dislike when things are rushed,
I dislike today’s society


I love football
I love food
I love sleeping
I love Sport cars
I love turbos
I love school sike
i love talking to friends
i love going out late
i love bikes
i love skateboards
i love everything that makes me happy,calm, and angry


i love my family
i love Louis vuitton
i love food
i love my girlfriend
i love bape
i love watching dragon ball z
i love playing dragon ball z
i love sleeping
i love supreme
i love gucci

Kevin H

I love my family
I love food
I love soccer
I love life
I love Mexico
I love my dog
I love sports
I love video games
I love Real Madrid
I love sleeping


I love the summer,
I love lemonade in colorful glasses,
I love wearing my favorite shorts,
I love the 4th of July,
I love the parties,
I love the barbecues,
I love fireworks,
I love playing beach volleyball,
I love playing Nerf guns with the neighbors,
I love wearing my aviator shades.


I can relate to when you said ” I love the summer” because I love the summer too and I can’t get enough of the sun. 🙂


I can relate to when you said you “love playing beach volleyball” because I too love playing beach volleyball in the summer for spare time.


Great job, Lauren! I like how you added onto each simple thing you like by putting in a bit of description at the end. Like when you said “I love lemonade in colorful glasses,” it made me smile and actually think about a bright glass filled with refreshing lemonade.


10 thing you should learned by now
1.”you will fail”
2.”Don’t give up”
3.”life is 10% what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it”
4.”We need to be kind”
5 ” you will have road blocks”
6.”It’s a bad day not a bad life”
7.”Dream big”
8.”life is not that easy”
9.”success is earned”
10.”Never stop learning because life will never stop teaching”

Steven Paul

This I very true, And the phrase that got me thinking was never stop learning because life will never stop teaching it is very odd how you said it but it is very true.


A list of 10 things/people i hate
1. Mornings
5.People who brag
6.Show offs
7. Grapefruit
9. Great value cereal
10. And most importantly stale memes


i don’t like those things either

Colin B

I can relate to not liking sunburns. I like how you did a list on things you hate instead of things you like.


10 Things I love
Alone time


My 10 wishes

1. Speak every language perfectly and never forget it
2. World peace
3. End world hunger
4. Be really really close friends with Nicolas Cage
5. Change time back to the 1980’s
6. Make “The Outsiders” be a real thing
7. Be friends with all the Greasers
8. Make Dirty Dancing (movie) a thing that happenned
9. Make sure the world never runs out of trees, water, or food
10. Be confident


top 10 things I regret sometimes
10. Talking back
9. Swearing
8. going to the office
7.staying after school
6. listening
5. sitting in the office
4.bad behavior
2. not talking about my problems
1.not asking for help when I needed it

Anathea Cyr-Flessner

Poem 2: 10 things I love

Ten things I love
Include baby animals
And the sky above
The feeling of wind in my face
My hair flying all over the place
I also love musical melodies too
And the way that cows say moo
The feeling of nothing to do
And having someone understand what I’m going through
Knowing that someone is listening
And watching the lake glistening in the sun
This poem seems long enough
So have a nice day I’m done 😉



1. Happiness Comes When You Need It Most

Even in the face of disease, hunger, war, abuse, or even death, happiness will be there for you. You just need to be searching for it and when you find it, no matter how small that happiness is, grab onto it and hold onto it forever. The moment may be short, but it is everlasting.

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” – Dumbledore, from the Harry Potter series

2. Family Consists of People You Trust

Family is more than the people group you were born into. Family will grow and change as you do. Some parts get stronger, some break away, some get fractured or broken, but you become better in time and each part contributes to who you are. These people will make you, you as your life continues.

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”

3. Family Will Stay Strong, If You Believe

The real important people in your life, will stay with you if they are truly meant to. Everything in your life revolves around how other people impact you. You need the real people in your life, who make you better all around.

“You are only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with, so be brave enough to let go of those who keep weighing you down.”

4. Knowledge Is The Ultimate Power

Learning can be the best and most fun thing in the world but, it can also be the thing in life that a person dreads the most and brings them the most pain and suffering. But the knowledge gained helps people in everyday life. It keeps the brain alert and active and helps a person become smart enough to rule places and organizations in the world.

“Knowledge is power” – Francis Bacon

5. Death Comes To Everything

You will die. I will die. This poem will eventually die. Everything ends as a new thing begins. You just have to accept that everything you know and love will die.

“The only reason we die, is because we accept death as an inevitability.”

Sorry this is late. This list took a while.


10 Things I Love

My family
My friends
Listening to music
Helping others
Learning new things

izzy sernel

10 Things That I love:

Friends: always there for me and can put me in a good mood with just a flick of the wrist.
Traveling: allows me to experience new things. I am also able to see beautiful places.
Animals: super cute and can act as a great best friend.
Sports: helps me to stay healthy while doing something that is really fun.
Food: getting to taste al sorts of new foods and eating foods that bring me a good taste in my mouth.
Religion: gives me something to believe in and to have faith in life.
Shoes: my favorite part of picking out my outfit.
Family: shows me the love and support everyone needs in life.
Shopping: the feeling of getting something new makes me excited.
Kayaking: helps me to feel one with nature.

McKinley Gebhards

Times I have fallen down the stairs: 36
Times I have moved: 4
Times I have switched schools: 7
Times I have gotten a new cat: 37
Times I have been stung by a bee: 0
Times I have had a bird fly through my house: 23
Times I have seen Aladdin: 0
Times I have had a nose bleed: 1
Times I have hidden the last fudge bar from my sister: 237,190
Times I have fallen asleep during a movie: 638
Times I have had a dog for longer than a month: 0


10 things I wish for in life
1.Belief: I wish to fully believe in myself and believe that I’m good enough
2. Trust: I wish to trust in other people and mainly God
3. Love: I wish to find out what real love is
4. Confidence: I wish to be confident in myself
5. Acceptance: I wish to accept myself for who I am and accept other people in my life
6. Regret: I wish that one day I won’t have to regret my decisions
7. Happiness: I wish to find what truly keeps me happy
8. Value: I wish to be valued by other
9. Success: I wish to try my best and become a successful person
10. Fullness: I wish to live my life to the fullest


A list of 10 things that I love…
1. My friends because they are always here for me when I need them
2. My family because even though the may be a pain in the butt they will always be by my side
3. Long pointless conversations with my friends
4. Dogs because who doesn’t love dogs?!
5. Food because its obviously good
6. Binge watching your favorite Netflix shows on a Saturday afternoon
7. Rainy days because they always make me think about life and what might come in the future.
8. Music because it just always puts me in a good mood. Whether it be you’re not in a good mood or just bored you can always have a good time listening to your favorite music
9. Sleeping because I’m honestly a very lazy person
10. The city because everything is just so more alive and fun, plus there’s a lot more things to do.


Ten things I know to be true
Trust isn’t the easiest trait for even close friends to have
People can hurt you any chance they get watch your back
Life is easy if you make it easy don’t stress
Keep the close leave the distant
Speak for the ones who are mute they have no opinion
Love the ones you trust they are with you for a reason
Stay true to the people who care they need you too
Compliments mean more to you than others know so make your graciousness known
You need rain to grow flowers be grateful
Present yourself great and you will be treated great
I know these to be true

izzy sernel

The phrase “you need rain to grow flowers be grateful” got me thinking because there is going to be hard times but by getting through them something good will come out of all the mess.

Probably but not definitely Christopher Segundo

robbie rotten
memes we gotten

isis bombings
donald trump
world is dying

what makes the internet amazing

I like how you wrote about things going on and things people can relate to


list of things that i know to be true. i know that friends can stab you in the back but are also the most important people you will ever have in your life. music helps you relax. don’t let people tell you what you are supposed to be, do what you want. when something goes wrong in your life don’t sulk and think your whole life is over, find something good in the world. you don’t need a love life. sometimes you just need someone to be there for you.


Ten thing I know to be true.
1.) Everyone is fake
2.) Heartbreak is a lesson
3.) Nothing is forever
4.) You have to love yourself before you love someone else
5.) Everything happens for a reason
6.) It’s better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all
7.) People are meant to come in your life but not everyone is meant to stay
8.) People can change
9.) Beauty is in everything
10.) Everyone has a purpose


i agree with everything that you said here. I really like that you listed things that are true but people might sometimes not wanna hear it. I just think all these lessons or quotes are really good.

Manny V

10 things I love

it wakes me up every day
I might be bad at it but I try and somehow find my way family
they keep clothes on my back and keep a roof over my head friends
the ones that make me laugh when I’m feeling down
mother nature just always finds a way to calm me down
It gets my mind off of my problems and it’s really fun
7.martial arts
I’ve always been into fighting for some reason even though its really physical
I will always be me, no one can change me
I’m really competitive with everything and I’m a hard worker
10.learning new things
without learning new things, I wouldn’t be the person I am today


actions speak louder than words
being positive
doing something little is all it takes to make someone smile
you do not know what others have been through
it is always important to keep that in mind
everyone has a story
what is yours?


This is true, I agree with “actions speak louder than words”


I am going to list the ten things i Love
1. My Family
2.My pet rabbit
3. My Dog
4.My Hamster Morty
5.My friends
6.My step mom
7.My own room
8.My bed playstation
10. my life

Emma N.

A list of things I should’ve learned by now

The people around me are getting anxious
They need space
Take a step back
Leave them alone until they are ready for people
Do not let them feel pressured to speak to you
Do not get angry at people if they do not feel as if they want to speak
Take a deep breath yourself
Be sympethetic

Mik Mieczkowski

A list of three things that would make the world better:
When people don’t kill,
When the world is safe.
Love can make the world flow with harmony,
Unless there is just one full with hate.
Makes people more happy.
And happiness generates more happiness.
When no one’s left out,
And everyone’s a team,
We can accomplish so, so much more.
If you were to think before you act,
You might not have done what you wish you hadn’t.
And you might have done something new and exciting.
We’ve all made mistakes that we are not proud of,
But if you live by these three things, you will have done a labor of love.


10 things I hate about you

10 Your laugh, it’s too cute
9 Your eyes, they’re too brown
8 Your arms, they’re too warm
7 Your smile, it’s too bright
6 Your hair, it’s too soft
5 Your voice, it’s too familiar
4 Your hands, their imprint on my skin
3 Your hugs, I miss them
2 You, holding hands with someone else
1 Your heart, it’s still intact
But, I couldn’t have you when you were mine.

Aliyah Malagon

List of things that I know to be true

•Pyrrhic victory is more common than wanted
•if something seems too perfect it’s probably best to not get involved
•life can be an ephemeral so enjoy it
•pain will go away one way or another
•everyone has their own version of halcyon and that shouldn’t bother you

Avra Shapiro

Day After Spring Break
1. See you soon *not bye
2. Lyft to work
3. Nauseous
4. Fluorescent lights
5. Students
6. The gray of the rain indoors
7. Cashew butter
8. Caffeine
9. Tired teachers
10. Miss you.

Leilany F

Everything I love

Challenging myself has been something i’ve loved since I was small
Feeding my brain with more knowledge everyday
Because knowledge is the greatest strength anyone can have

Interesting in so many ways
How they look
How they act
What they eat
Beautiful in every way

Art is and will always be beautiful
That’s why I love it
From my drawings in my sketchbooks
To van Gogh’s masterpieces
Books and music
Art is Everywhere!


i like how you wrote about the things that were really meaningful to you and that play a part in your life

Jasmine Plata

10 things that should be obvious to me but aren’t.
You will get back stabbed and have fake friends in life.
Don’t be on Netflix and YouTube all day after school because you will forget to do your homework,
I REPEAT you shall forget to do it.
You will struggle a lot and your struggles won’t just leave like that unless work hard to get rid of them.
You can forgive and forget but you don’t give them your trust again.

Revenge doesn’t feel that sweet.
Fight for you real friends because they are the one who stick up for you,
therefore you should also stick up for them.
Don’t believe what everybody says because it’s not all true.
Love yourself for who you are.
Be real and don’t fake how you feel.
Don’t ever be afraid to try new things and challenge yourself.

Emma Friedman

10 things,
I should have learned by now

Don’t let people push you around.
Always study for tests.
Don’t let homework get in your way of sleep.
Don’t let people annoy you.
Other people’s opinion of you doesn’t matter.
One door closes, another one opens.
Be grateful for what you have in life, even if it isn’t much.
Don’t judge your beginning to someone else’s middle.
Don’t go outside in shorts when it might get colder soon.
Don’t hold it all in until you crack.

nautica madgett

Ten things I know by now
You cant trust everyone
its better have fewer friends than the most
That the moment they leave you , you miss them the most
They say it will be “forever”
Family comes first
Don’t give up
Stay with the realist
Listen to your gut
Don’t be cool with the snakes
Don’t let someone change who you are

Cteph Surry

10 things i love

Free Throws
Half Court Shots
Devin Kurant
Spraining Ankles
Breaking Ankles
Baby Faces
Getting Potatoes in the Hospital


its really funny and i like how its basketbal themed

Metta World Peace

I just hate the Pistons and their fans.


that’s funny because Metta world peace punched a pistons fan but you should say why you hate them

Some Random Person

Sleeping, its a time for our bodies to rest.
Stare into the blackness behind your eyelids.
Dreams might come into the night.

Allen Iverson

10 things I hate

lddie eacy

Same Here


Me too. But, hey all that practice will help to reach goals you would’ve never gotten too with all that practice.

Cohn Jena

Ten things i love

Beating people
being on monday night raw
being on friday night smackdown
winning the strong wwe championship
marrying nikki bella
doing the attitude adjustment
my home
eating spinach
supporting the military
beating up The Goat (Daniel Brian)

lddie eacy


Randy Orton

as the laces leave my fingers
the sweat smell lingers
on the field i go
as it prepares to snow

Ronald McDonald

ten things i love
zayden hayes haircut
nate robinson
wussel restbrook

lddie eacy

are you sure that you like this stuff ronald i thought you only like mcdonald stuff

Wussell Restbrook

10 things I love
My family
My statistics
My team
Kevin Durant
People that are loyal

lddie eacy

i like it

Bobe Kryant

Ten things i love

Playing basketball
Playing Baseball
Playing football
Sometimes golf
riding my bikes on ramps
watching youtube
watching impractical jokers
my family

lddie eacy

i would not let like it and i like it

lddie eacy

i like it

Kaya B

I love summer
Calm breeze in the air
Swimming with friends

I love to read
It’s relaxing
It brings you to a whole different world

I love to hang out with friends
They don’t judge you
You can go for bike-rides, take selfies, anything with them

I love the sport softball
It’s my favorite sport
I play first base

I love volleyball
I’m a middle
And i love serving

I love to eat fruit
Lots of people hate certain fruits
But I absolutely love fruits like grapes, kiwi, and watermelon

My favorite snack is ice cream
There’s so many different flavors
You can eat so many

I love to use emojis when texting
They help you explain your emotions
And they are so fun to use

I love to paint my nails
So many different designs
You can use so much color

I love pick out my clothes in the morning
You can wear so many shirts, pants and accessories
And you can buy so many different kinds.

Rnthony Aizzo


Emoji queen✨??

? ~ You use this emoji when you are disgusted with someone
? ~ You use this emoji when you are tired or you are going to bed
? ~ You use this emoji when you can’t say something or don’t want someone to say something
?~ You use this emoji when you are heart broken
? ~ You use this emoji when something is funny
? ~ You use this emoji when you are happy
? ~ You use this emoji when you don’t want to see thing
? ~ You use this emoji when you see something pretty or beautiful
? ~ You use this emoji when you are very angry
? ~ You use this emoji when you aren’t sure about something or you don’t know

Rnthony Aizzo

Yassssssssss Queen
follow her@a_niya13

The replier ???

Follow her what?? ??

Rnthony Aizzo

You know it gurll, her INSTA

Ashton Doty

Interesting poem, I like the concept

lddie eacy

10 things i love

my mom

my dad

my siblings

video games








interesting list bris kyrant

bris kryant

ten things i love

lddie eacy

touche bris kryant

Nayara Castaneda

10 things I find to be true;
The things the promise
Never seem to be true
Life is full of disappointments
It can’t be escaped.

Fake friends;
There always seem to be there
But when the moment comes
They’d be gone
They’d hate your guts.

There something we all hate
About ourselves
Insecurities are the things
That we all have
No matter how much
We say or do
Insecurities might get the best of you

Even when the world seems dark
When there’s a frown
Happiness is there
Whether it takes awhile
Soon will appear a smile.

Even when we seek acceptance
There’s going to be some rejection
Not all the time we get rejection
But in this world
It isn’t going to be a lot of acceptance.

Though we try to stay away
From getting our heartbroken
There’s going to be a time where it needs to be broken
So then you can fix it
Broken hearts is something we go through
But no all are going to be as painful.

Whether we are with people
Near or far
There’s going to be a day
When you feel lonely
No matter what we do
We all feel like we are someday

Though they tried to stay together
Things didn’t always work out
Things got tough and well
They decided they didn’t want to be together
Kids hurt and confused
On why their parents
Aren’t living under the same roof.

We all have someone that hates us
We all hate someone
It doesn’t matter who you are
Kind or rude
There’s someone you can’t stand.

With every issue
Family will help through it
A endless cycle of I love you’s
Family is the one thing
Everyone can hold on to
Because if one thing is for certain
Family can stick together

Taylor Darm

I loved it!

Nikolas Huyser

In Mexico I
Scuba Dive,
ride jet-skis,
play on the beach,
eat ice-cream,
drink from coconuts,
swim in pools,
build sandcastles,
meet new people,
And most of all
I like to hand out with


Three thing i know to be true
1. Friendships
They come and go
2. Family
they never leave your side no matter what
3. anxiety
It will never hurt me again

Christian Skaggs

Run Run Run
will it ever be fun
Run Run Run
it’s a hot day in the sun
Run Run Run
it feels like a ton
Run Run Run
I got nothing else so I’m done.

Ashton Doty

Great job Christian. Relatable poem

Jasmine Plata

I really like your poem because I can relate with everything. I liked how you made it rhyme when you said,”Run Run Run it feels like a ton Run Run Run I got nothing else so I’m done.” Ton rhymes with done and it gives it a sense of desperation and blankness.


10 Things I Should Have Learned By Now
That you shouldn’t buy series two oil paint because it’s way too expensive,
That you should switch too acrylic paint because your allowance can’t pay for this hobby,
That you shouldn’t eat half a bar of dark chocolate in one sitting,
That your impulse shopping needs to stop,
That your dog only loves you when you have food and if you don’t have it you need to stay away,
That having tried every type of orange in Jewel-Osco isn’t an accomplishment,
That having little habits isn’t going to turn obsessive compulsive,
That you shouldn’t go up to random stray cats and try to befriend them,
That you shouldn’t go to Mariano’s and pay for starfruit with 5 dollars in nickels,
That your friends are your friends not your therapists


I should love hope
I should love my parents i should love my friends
I should love my school
My community
My country
My house
My life
My culture
My apperence
My happines
I should love all of these things
But most of all i should love myself
But just because i should doesnt mean i do
Ut it doent mean i dont
Or wont grow to love all of these things

Steven Paul

What I love:
Oreo (my dog)
Video Games
Star trek


Jasmine Plata

Something I love from your poem is your dog’s name, Oreo. I have friends that had a dog named Oreo and your dog’s name reminded me of that dog and it brought a smile to my face.


10 things i have learned about life
1) To love myself more than anyone else or before i can ever love someone else a lot more
2) To not stress about someone else’s happiness
3) To know my worth because once you do you’ll be happier
4) To never ever let negative things ruin my chance of being truly happy
5) To never force any type of relationship
6) To be myself because that person is better
7) To do what i think is right not what other people want me to do
8) That my opinion about myself is worth a lot more than anyone else’s
9) That real friends believe in you and support you
10) To listen to what other people have to say


Ten things I like
1. my family
2. my phone
3. happiness
4. my friends
5. my pets
6. the fall bed
8. the packers
9. soccer
10. life


Ten things i don’t understand
Everyone comparing them selfs
People hurting each other
Leaving a pet behind
The world
Global Warming
People who are rude
The World

Marissa Teehan

Hi Gabi! I really like your poem because you say, “Ten, the world.” This lets us as the reader know that there are many changes that can be made in the world. I also like how you ended with this statement to make it sound more important and to keep it stuck in the reader’s mind. In this poem, you relate to the age of the reader, a kid, by telling us what a kid may not understand. For example, their parents and homework.

Rebecca padilla

10 things I know by now
1. Age doesn’t limit your ability
2. People are going to dislike you
3. Just because a lot of people don’t think before they say doesn’t mean you should do the same
4. You have the control for your happiness
5. Money is not to root to all evil, it’s whatever you make it to be
6. There is always enough time
7. Excuses don’t help you in the long run
8. Learn as if your were to live forever
9. Be thankful for the life you have right now
10. Never be focused on the past


ten things I know by now.
Some people think everything is caused by fate.
I don’t.
Others can have different opinions about things.
Maybe can be crucial.
Patience is a virtue.
Always know to let go.
Think before acting.
Take words and switch them up.
Don’t be afraid.
You have no “loading” screen.
Keep trying and never give up.

Emma Nilsson

I hate so much
I hate the sand in my toes
I hate the folds in my covers
I hate the unmatched socks
I hate the crunch of cicada
I hate the smell of eggs
I hate the sight of a sunset
I hate the wood chips in my shoe
I hate the word “topic”
I hate apples


I liked how you took a different approach to this poem prompt


Ten things I should’ve learned by now.
To love myself and focus on myself.
Not to worry about people who don’t worry about me.
To let people go.
To be happy.
Forgive and forget.
Stop pretending.
Be real and don’t be fake about feelings.
Never let go of people who mean the most.
Keep real friends and lose fake ones.
Don’t keep things balled up until you explode.

Stefanie Rittner

Elicia, I am so glad to see you mention #10. Such an important thing to strive to learn.

Mik Mieczkowski

I like this list, My favorite was when you said “Keep friends and lose fake ones”. I can relate to that because some people just use you for answers, and good grades, without trying themselves.


i like how your list was inspirational , really strong things to know & #8 is my favorite !

Leo Myers

Four things that I accept in life.


Have you ever wondered what a world would look without imagination?
Like a white wall,
Without graffiti.
Doesn’t mean that’s not bad.
Imagination causes bad.
But more good than bad.
The wall, without a painter.
Will never be colored.
Even if the paint spells out something that hurts.
Its better then being normal.
Because the bad to one person.
May be good to another.


Love is the binding force of everything.
Without love nothing would have been created.
Love is beautiful and painful
Like a knife stabbed into you,
that feels like the person in front of you, the one that stabbed you.
Just kissed you.
Love is forgiveness.
It saves and kills
Builds and destroys.
All at the same time.


Why do we experience this feeling?
Why do we have tears?
Is it a punishment?
Is it to slowly kill us?
If not
The reason is in the tears.
Each tear.
A drop of water.
Made up of salt,
And hate.
But each tear relives us of the pain.


People are afraid of death.
They try to cheat it.
even fight it.
when will they ever know.
that death is natural?
That without it
The world would be fulled with pain.
Who wants to live in a world of life?
If there is just pain?
Do you want someone you love,
to die, taking all the pain away,
Or to live?
To live another day,
Pain every moment of there life?
never stopping.
With no cure?
Does fear of death make it stop?
Does running away from an assignment,
make it go away?

Nathan N



I agree with Nathan, this poem actually breaks down the topics that are listed. I think that you will be a future poet!

Jarely Alavez

10 things I love,
Dance is the way I show emotion
Music is my motivation
Friends are the cause of my laughter
Family is the one group I truly show who I am
Netflix shows different stories for my imagination
School is hard but teaches me a new lesson everyday
Blue and gray are the colors that blend well together
God is my savior and father and gives me love I don’t deserve
Hoodies keep me warm and hide my ugly cloths
Running lets me breath and see nature differently

Chessie Lemke

10 things I love: Spending quality time with loved ones (I enjoy talking, laughing and creating memories with family members near and far), Traveling ( I enjoy sightseeing and exploring new places), Nature ( scenery such as mountains covered with snow, leaves falling from trees, all a beautiful sight to see), Music (helps me to relax and feel free), Volleyball and Softball (two of my favorite sports that I love to play), Writing (helps relieve stress and creative thoughts come to me), Friends (they give me the support I need, uplift my spirit when I am down, and give me the strength to be a better me), Helping Others (the homeless, elderly people, and young children), My Dog Titan (he is special to me and never fails to make me happy), Shopping ( I enjoy going to a variety of stores to find the things that suit me).

All things that I love and bring happiness to my life!

Stefanie Rittner

We meet at the gate.
I touch your nose,
you smell my hand,
we walk together.
The wind blows.

Your legs are muddy.
I wash them off,
squinting eyes
search for cuts.
Puddles form.

I unbuckle six blanket straps,
then slide it off your back.
No mud,
just smooth chestnut hair.
My hands glide over your back.

Brushes loosen your winter coat,
tufts gather by my boots.
Your tail squishes,
Your hind legs lift to warn me
of your ticklish spots.

Your eyes widen,
when I layer the saddle pads
up against your withers,
and secure the saddle
with the girth.

Your neck rounds,
and curls around
my arms.
You accept the bit,
my communication tool.

Your stride quickens,
as we reach the arena.
Our trainer awaits.


I really like this poem and I can totally relate to it!


I really like how you put points leading up to the final part. You put a dog’s everyday into perspective.

Colin B

6 Things I Would Change in the U.S.

Well, there is a lot for sure,
can’t disagree with that.
Definitely, in school,
we should be able to wear hats.

Secondly, no doubt,
the Electoral College is a dump.
Not to argue, it has to go.
Just look at its results *Cough Cough Trump*.

While just protestors are making a point,
cops are shooting with no such fun.
I would change those bullets,
to a tranquilizer gun.

What are kids watching these days?
Parents should definitely know.
So I would call for an ID,
with everything except age appropriate TV shows.

This next one here is pretty stupid.
but I have to talk about the people’s uniqueness.
No mask or disguise should be sold that mimics a person,
whether it be a president or celebrity, it shows general weakness.

Lastly, I have to say,
not every single Starbucks drink should be caffeinated.
It may be an overstatement, but still.
Caffeine has lead to issues, it’s been stated.

Ok, I know, I lied in the title.
This is the seventh argument, my thinking’s complicated.
What bad can a little extra credit do?
So…These poems should be graded.


I like how you said that there are many problems in the U.S.

Ben Williams

10 things I enjoy,
Are mostly sports,
But also drawing,
And not falling short,

I enjoy playing games,
Computer, video, and, board
And while I’m talking about things I like
I also enjoy setting a new record,

Being with friends is enjoyable,
especially good ones,
It is nice to be employable,
Because that means you’re not working,

Enjoyment for me is riding my bike,
It is a good work out and it gets you places,
Good weather is something I like,
You can enjoy the real world,

Lastly, I find enjoyment in writing,
It’s fun to invent new things,
And finally I enjoy biting,
Into my favorite food,

Hayden Williams

The 10 things I love doing are: Playing Piano (Usually something classical, but sometimes rag or jazz.), Writing (Fantasy or Mystery), Listening to Music (Always instrumental Classical or Native American), Geography Games (Usually about the countries of the world or flags or the world.), Playing Tennis (I love doing this obviously especially since it’s exercise and healthy.), Writing Music (This allows you to be as creative as you want, especially when you are bad at visual arts.) Playing Badminton (It’s kind of like Tennis, although I’m not that good at it.), Math (Math is challenging and fun at the same time. Although it can be frustrating at times, I like challenging myself.), Hiking (I like hiking trails because it exposes the beauty of the outdoors and it relaxes you.), Learning (This is one of the most important things in life and in a way it includes all of the above.)
The End

Alyssa Stolarsky

A list of three things I hope for every day:

Hope itself;
Wishing for the best,
When I was a kid, and even until now,
I hoped for a wonderful future,
and even if I could never guess what would come next,
I still always hoped for the best.


Hoping to keep my friends,
And to make new ones,
Hoping that my friendships with people will never end,
Hope that I will have tons and tons.

Trying new things/Learning;

To learn more and more within every day,
To build my intelligence until the end of May,
To continue again within summer,
And to begin once more this coming August,
To keep trying new things,
I might end up liking,
To keep learning and learning,
Every day.

Chessie Lemke

Alyssa- I agree with you on what you wrote. I like the way you thought about your future while describing these things.

I believe that hope is very important for what our futures hold for us. Hope is trust and aspirations and we all aspire to be something great in life. This hope helps us to accomplish our goals.

I believe that friendships are also very important. Friendships are an understanding, loyalty through good and bad times, and someone to confide in.

Trying and learning new things helps us to shape who we are and helps us to identify and discover ourselves.

I can relate strongly to this poem and I share the same views as you.

Anais G

Three ways to change the world:
The most powerful thing in this world
and beyond
Is love.
it is because of love,
that people come together
it is because of love,
that people look beyond
what’s on the outside
it is because of love,
that wild beasts
can be tamed
and it is the absence of love,
that destroys

the sure for sadness
the cause of happiness
no one,
feels alone
laughing with friends
no one,
feels the pain
after you laugh it away
no one,
is immune to
a contagious laugh
it is the absence of laughter,
that allows
darkness to

because it is not enough,
to just survive.
to be alive without
living isn’t worth the fight.
It’s not enough,
to think about what
you wish to do
and sit dreaming
until your life is over.
It’s not enough,
to watch others
and laugh
and take the leap
you dream about.
because when life becomes about surviving,
and you forget about living,
the color fades from your eyes
and you
will end
and anyone

Marissa Teehan

10 things I’d like to change in the world

looking at us as not “them”.
Saying, “they must have it hard”.
A group of people isolated because of their appearance.
A group of people isolated,
for what they have no control over.
Judging before you know,
believing what you are told about them.

Thinking that actions don’t affect another life.
Saying, “I won’t walk in their shoes, they’re are already worn out.”
Believing the lie that you are the clouds above everyone.
Knowing that no one will ever be brave enough to stand up.

Too serious
Smile once and a while and appreciate the little things.
Don’t let the bad memories ruin the good ones.
Take a walk.
Empty your mind of the trash.
Surround yourself with positive thoughts,
and people.
Be the one to start a chain of smiles.

It’s just a color of skin,
or religion,
or belief.
It’s not supposed to separate one human from another.
Look past these things.
I bet someone has made fun of you
so why pass it on?
The never-ending chain can have an end.
It just takes one fish to swim against the current.

“The world is a garbage can.”
“It’s just one piece of trash, it won’t make any difference”

Every day,
you grab food from your pantry,
not even thinking.
That’s natural.
870 million people
are hungry
right now.
Places like Africa and Asia.
They live on less than two dollars a day.
to end

3,100 victims in Chicago.
Kids can no longer feel safe outside.
They shouldn’t have to worry about who’s watching them.
A lion
a deer.
Barging into households.
Preying on whoever.
A mom.
A dad.
A child.
Anyone they can get their hands on.

Drug and alcohol abuse
They have no money
to feed their children.
On the street.
Ratty clothes.
Dirt on their faces.
With “Please help” signs.
When a stranger has mercy,
they give them money.
And what do they spend it on?

Heart disease.
More than 1,500 people die from cancer a day.
12.7 million people discover they have cancer.
5.5 million Americans are affected with Alzheimer’s.

Child abuse
are abused in the U.S.
And what did they do to deserve it?
Innocent eyes.
Taken for granted.
They want to please you,
because they don’t know any better than

Maddie Flowers

“Learning how to love the little things in life, is called learning how to be happy.” – Marinela Reka

until your stomach hurts
to your favorite song on the radio

all your emotions out
it only gets better

Family and friends:
a shoulder to cry on
up your fallen friend

soft chirps of birds
chocolate chip cookies baking

the jackpot at the arcade
a text from your crush

Food and water:
your first bite of cake
a popsicle on a sunny day

the raindrops slide down the window
yourself in fresh, clean sheets

from your mistakes
a random door

the bunny-shaped cloud
in the warmth of the sun

never out of breath
up every morning


Maddie I love how you take the little everyday things in life that most people take for granted and send the message that they are the things that encourage people to wake up every morning and do the best they can. I also like how you describe them in great detail and I can relate to a lot of things listed in your poem.


1.I felt all of these.
2. They are relatable to many people to where they know exactly the feeling you are trying to portray.
3. Even if the reader had not had one of these happen to them, you make them understand.
4. The quote at the beginning really ties the list together.
5. I’m really glad your school has so many people who can create beautiful poetry such as this.

Abigail Zimmerman

You think you must be rescued by a prince.
You have not been the same way since
You read those fairy tales.

A man rescues a woman.
There’s nothing she can do.
But Darling, listen, those girls aren’t you.
Why do you sit around and wait
When you could be doing something great.
People will be there to guide you through life,
But you must make your own decisions and you’ll fly
Cause you can be anything.

Lawyer, teacher, doctor, preacher.
It doesn’t matter to me.
All that matters is that you find who you want to be.
Don’t you dare be a damsel in distress.
Work on something other than a wedding dress.
You’re meant for greatness, I just know.
Be like a tree and grow.
You can be anything.

All throughout history, there have been great women.
They’ve been told that they can’t be heroines too.
Take advice from them and don’t let anything stop you.
Now that I’ve told you what you must know,
I want you to never be afraid to show
Who you are and what you want to do.
If there are doubters, they don’t know the real you,
For you can be anything.

Lucas Marini

10 things I’d change in the world: understanding, people don’t consider other’s reasons for their actions, respect, people need to treat others fairly, listening, knowing when to stop, trustworthiness, letting people depend on you, welcoming, including others, getting to know someone, not judging a person by how they look, helping, if someone is having a tough time help them out, donating, giving the things you don’t need to people who need them, realizing how lucky you are, understanding how much you really have, not jumping to conclusions, if someone corrects you not just blowing it off but listening to them.

Wussell Restbrook

I agree with your thinking, I think that you have good ideas especially about treating people fairly because personally there is some people that treat people bad when they are treated perfectly when really they should learn the pain but I just really agree with it.


I feel that your ten things could really tell good stories to show what we as the world should change and help people realize their bad behavior. Like “not judging a person by how they look” and a good example is Donald Trump cause people judge him by how he looks and his posture but I don’t feel that everyone REALLY listens to what he has to say.

Julia Inman

10 Things I love

Words: there are so many to count and they all mean different things
Poetry: I could write it for days, different styles, and I have a heart for it
Music: rings in my ears and different genres too
Feelings: how things effect us
My passion: I came here with a purpose
My phone: text people, social media and listen to music
My close friends: you know who you are, you mean a lot to me
Little kids: how much they explore and their innocents
Beauty: there is so much in this world, go find it
Senses: See, Hear, Smell, Taste, Touch and how we figure things out

Nathan N

A list of three things I know to be true (Another cringy poem by me)

Are slightly overrated
Can easily become enemies
Are sometimes annoying
Are good to have when doing group activities

Are slightly underrated
Can almost never become friends
Are sometimes fun to have around
Keep you from losing your skills (at roasting and that sort of stuff)

Global Warming
Is real
Is being denied
Is not showing obvious effects yet

Amiah P

To be honest, it wasn’t that cringy. And it wasn’t even that bad. Good job bruh.

lddie eacy

good job man

Probably but not definitely Christopher Segundo

Your words really moved me.Friends,enemies,and global warming all are just things most of us d̶o̶n̶a̶l̶d̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶m̶p̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ can relate.


I can relate because sometimes having friends is boring annoying but enemies mix things up a bit

Armaan Athwal

10 Things I love

Family: can turn your day from being bored,grumpy or mad to being filled with happiness.
Friends:are able to change your frown upside down.
Religion:gives me something to believe in that I want to believe in.
Gymnastics: Allows my laziness to be expressed and turns it into energy and it also allows me to have fun while doing something that’s good for you.
Culture: Gives a background history of where you came from and is able to learn more things that other people do and you don’t.
Nature: I love the fresh air and the beauty of the outside world.
Video Games: Letting my mind get relaxed playing the fun games.
Hobbies: Gets some interesting hobbies that is fun and allows not to be bored when you have nothing to do.
Food:gives you a satisfying taste and even a new taste every time and try something new.
Competing: gives you something to compete against and to try you best.

Jessica Arl

List of three things I should’ve learned by now

The constant fear, worry
My body is shaking now
Stomach turning
Take a deep breath
Hold it in and let it out slowly
Stop and think
Why do I let this overtake me?

The distance between us
Physically and emotionally
Like a blooming flower
Growing taller than its surrounding friends
Strong and beautiful
Why do I insist on taking away the sun and water?

The way you look at me
It gives me hope, yet I can’t take it in
Walls build up around me
Tall, made with brick
It’s hard to let it in, but it’s needed
Your smile gives me confidence again
Why do I keep the door locked?


“It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary” – Paulo Coelho

A smile
Can turn anyone’s day from dull to hopeful
A smile
is a great way to let someone know that you are thinking of them and

A hug
Lets you know that everything is going to be okay
No matter how hard life has hit them in the face

Will always be there to support you
And true friends
See you at your best and your worst moments
They help you cope with your problems
And will always be waiting on the bleachers to cheer you on when you succeed

Is the foundation for any relationship
Trust allows a sense of relief
Knowing that your secrets and weaknesses are
with the people you love

Fresh air
Is an escape from reality
Taking a deep breath helps
Run away from stress and anger

Is your safe place
The one place where you
That no matter what
You will always be loved
And can always come back to no matter what you do

Fun is the only thing that can create beautiful
that will last you a
And provide you with happiness

Letting go of the tiny flaws
Allows more room for love and compassion
If you hold onto your anger you can never truly be

Messing up is the only thing that helps you learn how to do things the right way
If you did everything perfectly
There would be no growth

Love pushes away all negative thoughts
And opens your eyes to
fresh air
And friendship


I really like how you added a quote. I liked how you realized that a smile can turn someone’s day around.



Tristen Bohm

i agree

Ella G

I think you made a good choice to add them together at the end of your poem.

lddie eacy

i aggree

Armaan Athwal

Dr.Donovan I liked how throughout the entire poem you used descriptive words because it really created an Image in my head.

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