Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS

Five #verselove2019

Inspiration The temperature in Chicagoland is warming up. Where do you live? Can you go outside? Yes? Perhaps today’s poem can be inspired by your neighborhood or literal (even figurative place) in the world. Go to the place. See if your sidewalk (or street, or …

15/30, A Poem and 15 Middle School Verse Novels

I am 15 days into my 30 days of verse novels. The image of this post includes the covers of 15 great middle school verse novels that junior high students are reading right now. And there are many, many more. I will feature all of …

7, April 7th, Super Powers and Heros

Inspiration: Sometimes Saturdays make us feel a greater sense of energy and hope knowing the weekend is here. Let’s have some fun rounding out our first week of poems with some super-inspired verses. Write a poem about a superhero coming to your house and confronting …

6. April 6, smells, scents, and odors

Inspiration: Write about smells that you love, hate, remind you of this or that, give you hope or make you sad. Of course, write about anything on your mind or in your heart today. Add your poem to the comments below. I love the smell of …

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