Ethical ELA Guest Blogger: Fidan

Hello, my name is Fidan, and I’d like to share my writing experience in 8th grade with you!

When I first got to writing class in 8th grade, I have to be honest, I wasn’t ever really the biggest fan of writing so I wasn’t that excited at first. But as we started writing more and more in class, I changed my opinion a lot over the year, not just about writing class but also about writing itself.

At the beginning of 8th grade I wasn’t the best writer. I barely knew any technique, the types of sentences there are, and if I had to put a period before or after a quotation mark. But that was the best part about 8th grade writing. We learned so much by the end, even though I started the year out as barely remembering anything from 7th grade. We learned everything, one by one. We stayed on one subject and learned it until we fully understood and reviewed if we didn’t. And because of this, my writing changed a lot over the course.I began knowing how to write things I never thought I’d know and fully understand.

But my passion for writing came about when we started learning about literary devices and writing a poem each night for homework and using the technique we learned that day in the poem we wrote. On one of those nights, I realized something, something that’s now very important to me: writing is a beautiful thing, and  I actually really enjoy it.

Ever since then, I write poems almost every day. Sometimes I get random inspirations, and that’s the best because  words come out so naturally and feel so pure. Because of that day, I now know that I truly want to be a writer, and I will take every hardship and step I can to get there. Because ever since that day, I feel like I am slowly finding out who I truly am, and writing is a piece of me that I have uncovered.

11696637_10206312812112498_4355319265164174055_oI believe that writing is a way to express yourself in beautiful words.I believe that it’s a way to not only express yourself but your thoughts and feelings too. It’s an amazing way of showing what you’ve got to say.It’s a way to let the heart and brain cooperate to create a beautiful poem based off of meaningful knowledge and feelings. It’s a way to set yourself and your feelings free.A way to express yourself when nothing else can.It’s a way to speak your heart out. A way to show that no matter what our age is- no matter how small or tiny we look- our words can speak louder than anything else in the world.I believe that there’s a poet in all of us, but some of us just need to dig in deeper to find the pot of gold that brings the poet out in us.

We all just need to find that inspiration to write. And I think that’s the beauty of writing because for some of us, our inspiration is within ourselves, someone else, or something else that is truly important in our lives. I believe that writing is a way to get any message you have out to people. And I know this, because I gave the graduation speech opening at the 8th grade graduation ceremony. I have to be honest; it felt so great to be able to be up there in front of so many people, telling them my thoughts on important things, like succeeding.

Writing and saying what you’ve written out loud to so many people gave me such a great feeling that I can make a difference in the world by giving out a message to my fellow classmates, family members, friends and even teachers. Because of that amazing moment, I believe that not only do people express writing, but writing expresses us too.

If you are wondering from the title, this is part one of my posts. Tomorrow, I will post another, giving advice to writing teachers. Then the day after that, I will post a few of my poems I have written along with a picture of myself.

Fidan is 14 years old and  going to be a high school freshman.  She enjoys  playing piano, skateboarding, and ,of course, writing. She likes writing poems and sometimes even short stories. She enjoys life and being happy and loves  making others happy as well.

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