The ALAN Workshop is Monday, November 25th to Tuesday, November 26th. I am thrilled to be on the ALAN Board and to have had a few glimpses behind the scenes of the massive undertaking by Dr. Steve Bickmore and his crew.

I look to ALAN and The ALAN Review to keep my reading life alive and well, so the recent social media post announcing the “authors-in-conversation” segments of The ALAN Workshop had me running to my libraries to build a pre-conference reading list.

In the spirit of preparation, I share my list with you in the hopes you will find a new author or check out some of these titles before or during the conference. Now, few of these have yet to be released. My plan is to find those titles during the early days of NCTE so that I can read them before the ALAN Workshop. Others are available now, so I am adding them to my Libby, Audible, and library queues. I know I cannot possibly read them all in the next month, but I am going to love trying.

You can register for this two-day workshop on the NCTE registration page. #ALAN19

Sarah’s Reading List for The 2019 ALAN Workshop “Authors-in-Conversation” Segments

Kwame Mbalia and Kimberly Gabriel

Breeana Shields and Brigid Kemmerer

Ibi Zoboi and Lawrence Goldstone

Spencer Hyde and Angie Manfredi

Katia Raina and J. L. Powers

Sarah Deming and Christopher Meyers

Alan Gratz and Sharon Cameron​

Raina Telgemeir and A. S. King​

Josh Allen and Steven Banks

Helene Dunbar and Leah Thomas

Alex London and Lauren Shippen​

Suzanne Young and Becky Wallace

Silva Aguilar-Zeleny and Maria Padian

K. A. Holt and Julia Drake

S. K. Ali and Abdi Nazemian

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