Inspiration: Often poets use images, paintings, or photographs to inspire writing. Today, pick one of these pics to spark your poem (or choose your own image and link to it). Consider one of these ideas to get you poem-ing:

  • Write the inner thoughts of a person or object in the image or who composed the image. Write from a growth mindset of what he or she is working through, figuring out about the world, patiently understanding through careful observation.
  • Tell the story of the image. What is happening?
  • Pick an object within the image and write from its perspective.
  • Personify a feeling, object, idea, from the image.
  • Use colors, sounds, smells, shapes, textures to make your words as vivid as the image.

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As i’m walking down this crowded street
I notice now a days technology is taking over
I turn to my left someone on the phone
I turn to the right someone is playing 8 ball
I look at myself and realize i’m listening to music
what happen to this generation


really makes you think about the world.

Amelia Canania

My city is poor
There is barely any food
The only thing that makes the children feel better
is dancing
But what we have been through
Dancing and family is the only thing
That keeps us smiling during the day


A am in New York
I looked around me
and people are focus on their work
and I’m just minding my own business
and listening to music


picture #3
a cat is hugging a yellow pillow
so cute hahahaha


i can relate cause i thought the cat was cute too haha


Nice poem bro I like that 😀

Henry nham

I liked your sense of humor when you said”so cute hahaha”


Growing up in a place where everything around you is dull,
You appreciate a city that is home to millions of colors.
Millions of people, millions of opportunities, millions of laughs.
Million isn’t a word used much around here.
I appreciate a city that is an escape,
A city where you can finally breathe again.

Amelia Canania

A clever line is “A city where you can finally breath again” because this might be a city where it is in bad conditions and you feel like you can’t breath or think. Nice job


The phrase “Millions of people, millions of opportunities, millions of laughs” got me thinking about people that live in the suburbs don’t really know how a city is because sometimes there is not enough opportunities for everyone and sometimes there is more tears than laughs.


The emphasis on the word, millions, is really important here. When you imagine the enormity of everything and everyone involved, it is really intense. “City that is an escape”…perfect wording.


My paint brush smacks on a layer of blue
A light shade of sky joins the mix
I hurl a royal blue into a swirl
White gets layered over
More deep blue on


The Night Sky
As it turns night,
and the town settles down,
all that’s left, is the stars and the moon.
They shine bright,
Illuminating the night sky.
They keep shining, shining, shining,
until at last day comes.


As the cold, blue, and windy night rained,
the town was mesmerized by the sky.
Mesmerized by the beautiful blue of the sky,
the stars shining causing the city to illuminate,
but mostly the moon it was the most radiant out of all ,
not only did it also light up the town, it was in a magnificent shape.
It curved and bent in the middle of the sky,
but the best thing is to look at the sky at the top of the castle.

opunƃǝS ɹǝɥdoʇsıɹɥↃ

The phrase “the stars shining causing the city to illuminate” got me thinking about me actually in there,because your words are so in depth that it feels like i am actually inside the painting.Well said to be honest 🙂

Khari Rogers

i can relate because at night the sky could look kinda twisted and it looks cool!


I noticed the metaphor you used “the was mesmerized by the stars” because if something like that happened in real life everyone would be mesmerized


i like how you wrote ” mesmerized by the sky.” it was good use of a metaphor and it was descriptive.

Colin B

Picture #5

I sighed as I once again tried to scrape the stubborn stain,
off the small kitchen counter.
Of course this had to happen,
on the day of the office inspection,
of the whole building.
The bottle of stain remover
smelled as if it had been on the shelf for centuries.
It probably had.
I had one job,
clean this place up before the safety inspector gets here.
Two seconds later,
I see the stain.
I was lost in my thoughts until
i dropped the bottle of stain remover.
Being the companies janitor is the worst.


I don’t wanna be here
i feel like a sardine surrounded by so many like me
but this is my only option
to get where i want to go
I don’t know anyone here
but on second thought i don’t think i want to
i just wanna get to my destination
not be buried in these distractions

Jeannie Bitan

A night time sky
Filled endlessly with mixtures of indigo, lavender, and everything in between
With the moon that shines all over the town, the only light, besides the un-natural kind that creeps from everyone’s windows
Swirls of color above, like a galaxy, with the tiny glows of the stars peeking through
Perhaps one of the most beautiful things mother nature could ever create


I enjoyed your use of imagery in this poem. I knew exactly what you were talking about without even seeing the picture.


I like how you described how the painting looks in your point of view. I also like how you wrote how the picture felt to you.


Wind swirls
Stars gleam
The silent night overhead
The night sky, like waves
The stars
The moon
Lighting the town
in a silver mist
no other lights
Just the warm glow of the night.


I look around me,
people rushing,
To get to their destination,
On their phone,
Looking at their feet,
Hands in their pockets,
Waiting to cross the street,
Hurrying to get on the,
7:20 a.m train,
Or on the CTA bus

Leaving people to drown,
In their work,
But I,
On the other hand,
Concentrate on the music,
That keeps on beating,
And gives me a break from the whirlwind

Jazmine Johnson

I really like your work and it felt really real and like I was there and I also like how descriptive you were and details that you used were great


Right away in the beginning I found out what picture you were doing because “I look around me,
people rushing”.


The music sinks in.
I could care less abut what is happening around me.
I just go with whatever happens.
I walk down the street.
Nothing matters.


I appreciate that you took time to write a poem on something that not enough attention is brought to. That perfect moment when nothing else in the world matters and your heart is content.


I can relate to the part “The music sinks in. I could care less about what is happening around me.” because sometimes music is your escape from whatever issue you have. You just forget what is happening around you.

erik palacios

i can relate to the part “The music sinks in. i could care less about what is happening around me” because i get distract from the music i listen to and i really don’t care what is going on in the world.


I noticed you used the technique of overstatement in the phrase “I could care less”


I can relate to the line you said which was ,”The music sinks me In” because when the music is so good you just feel the music it conforms you in a way.

Dylan M.

The stain.
So stubborn, can’t get it out!
Guess I’ll have to use double.
I wish I could use magic.
The stain lifter won’t pour!
Oh, there’s a seal.


His hands are caked,
With sticky pumpkin insides,
His smile is almost bigger,
Than the one he craves in the pumpkin,

The boys happiness floats,
To his father,
As they build their relationship,
Which will last a lifetime.


I like how you said how the child’s hands were caked instead of covered, it gave a nice touch


a big, yellow stuffed banana
looks like
a banana
smells like
sounds like
gym shoes squeaking on the floor
feels like
A stuffed animal
I wonder what it tastes like


you hear no one talking
your feet step to the beat
walking up and down the street of sadness.
it puts you in a mood,
you almost dont know what to do with these feelings.
It just hits you
takes the smile off your face,
makes you wonder if your really meant for this place.

Hayden W.

The poor children stare,
their hungry eyes desperate for something to eat.
They watch as the people pass by,
hoping they have something to spare.

They stand like this all day,
hungry, cold, afraid,
sometimes they move,
sometimes they don’t.

The poor children stare,
hoping they have something to spare,
hoping they will get something,
hoping they will make it to tomorrow.
They watch as people pass by,
hoping, watching, waiting.


I really enjoy all the details you put into this, this writing piece is AMAZING!!
Good job,:)

Nathan N

(Cringe, Cringe, Everywhere, But no further than this poem.)

Kitten hugging a pillow
Kitten hugging a
Kitten hugging
Kitten hug
Kitten scratch
Kitten scratching
Kitten scratching people
Kitten scratching people’s
Kitten scratching people’s face
Kitten scratching people’s faces
Dead bodies piled around
The kitten


Boi. This is good. I like how face and faces are on separate lines like the people have one face but multiple faces. I also like how the end just has dead bodies presumed to be put there by the cats. It’s funny.
Cringe Rating: Lower than the Mariana’s Trench

Chris A

first of all this is not cringe!!! i absolutely love, simple sentences with only 2 words and then read it all together, it makes one big story telling poem. When you said “the kitten” it was almost like the poem had more to it and left you at a cliffhanger.


looking over the sleeping town in the night,
colors swirling around me from all over the sky,
I can hear the hushed snores of the sleeping villagers,
All the lights are off except for my friends and I,
We light up the sky and illuminate the darkest parts of the night,
The swirling wind whistles through the tall trees,
And knowing that in a hour or so,
We will go back behind our curtain in the day,
The sun and people will awaken,

Nathan N

The phrase “Battery dead. I look up to see eyes once again” got me thinking about modern life habits and how everyone is always on either a cellphone, console, TV or PC, because the previous lines didn’t hint at the whole “Electronic battery dead” idea, but that would apply to someone over-using their electronics.


Carving a pumpkin is fun
but with his family is more fun
spending time with family is better than anything
this is one memory that they will both remember
and something that the kid will be proud of


People walking
A women is distracted
She is not talking to anyone around her
She is too busy using her phone
Her phone basically took over her
She doesn’t want to do anything
Besides using her phone


A clever line is “She doesn’t want to do anything
Besides using her phone” because it shows how Anit-social the world is now, and how everyone is attached to a device.

Hayden W.

I like how you added “Her phone basically took over her. She doesn’t want to do anything besides using her phone.” because in a way it kind of added a message to your poem.


WOW, what an awesome job:) this looks real good, i like all the effort that was put into this, GOOD JOB!amigo


staring at my phone trying to find out what song to listen next
ignoring all the messages i have.
Walking to the store ,
do you know when the cars are gonna pass?
can you hear it?
because your to focused on your phone instead of focusing of whats around you.


A clever line is , “Because your to focused on your phone instead of focusing on what’s around you”, because I believe it was a piece of advice, that left your readers thinking about their phone use, and what is going around them.


The phrase “because your to focused on your phone instead of focusing of whats around you.” got me thinking because now everyone has some form of technology and we’re so focused in the virtual word that we don’t notice anything that is going on in life or the world around us.


The phrase I really like is “because you’re too focused on your phone instead of focusing on what’s around you.” I really like this because I think it is a big issue in our world and needs to be addressed.


wow, this is sooooo good, i enjoed every part of it kiddo, amazing job!


I can’t stand these voices
All these people
All the laughing
I live in misery
This street feels like it’s on going
My headphones draw out the sound
I can feel my feet hitting the ground
They have all been found
I feel like I have been lost
I am everywhere around
Yet they don’t notice
My frustration is screaming loud


I like how you take a character so bland looking on the outside and make her so intriguing on the inside by saying “My frustration is screaming loud” even though she has a blank face and is just playing on her phone.


I like all the emotion you use like the part it says” My frustration is screaming,” because it allows me to feel the emotion you are trying to use in the poem and you used personification to tell the readers.


Soothing sounds
The lyrics speaking
The meaning to the song
Brings happiness, sadness, madness?..
Makes you want to dance (even though you can´t)
Makes you want to brake something
Helps you concentrate
Calms you down
Without music the world would be dull


I noticed you used the technique of end rhyming in the phrase, “Brings happiness, sadness, madness?” It is effective because it describes the song in a way that you can remember because of the rhyme.


the part where you said “without music the world would be dull” made me think about how simple things in life (like music) really do make the world a different place and it’d be so weird without it.


3rd picture

the cat is had one of the longest days of his life .
the 2 people that are behind him had just bought him
they played with him all day and he’s tired asl and his just chilling with the banana

Izzy sernel

I walk
people talking all around me.
I listen
music trying to drown out the noise of rushing cars and city life.
I feel
pushing and shoving from the large mob of people who surround me.
I am walking
trying to figure out where to go.
As I continue I think to myself
these people are like me
the only difference is some have a purpose
where as I can’t stay focused.

Dylan M.

I agree with your poem, the city is a very loud and bustling place. When I travel downtown, I can see lots of people just listening to music from their phone. Line 4, which says “music trying to drown out the noise of rushing cars and city life” is very descriptive; I can just hear that in my mind.

Rebecca Padilla

Walking through the crowd
Trying to get to the places she needs to be
Plugs in her headphones
To block out the sounds around her
Ignoring the occasional push and shove
From the people around her
Just trying to get through
Almost there
Someone stops her
Pulls out her headphones
And says
“Listen very carefully…”


When you wrote “ignoring the occasional push and shove” I though to hallways in school where people focus mostly on the people they walk with and where they are going. Not to you an if you are trying to get some where. I am guilty of this and I can think of times were people did this to others.


I love the line where you said “someone stops her, pulls out her headphones, and says “listen very carefully” because I agree with you that if you block out everything and dont look at what is happening around you than you could miss a big opportunity to live life with happiness and emotion.


I picked the picture of all does kid that looked homeless. I picked the picture because I just feel bad for all does little kids that don’t have no where to live.The thing i think its happening in the picture is that the little kid are just looking for help of for people to give them some food.


are the distractions getting to you?
has your vision interrupted?
are they straight forward paths?
are you truly safe?
those around you,
where do their eyes linger?
isn’t the media is out of hand?
your brain is wandering isn’t it?
the truth is distant, no?
is it quite a difficult concept?
can you grasp it with ease?


I noticed how you described everything that,s going on in the scene and not just the phone or just what you see.

Emma Boghosssian

Your poem really moved me as you ask questions like “Happiness, can you grasp it with ease?” I never really considered how everyday life isn’t as satisfying as it could be. When you describe what it’s like for an average person walking down the street, you really show how difficult life can be at times, and how hard it can be to feel happy. And when you ask if happiness is easy, you really open everyone’s eyes so they can realize that you should live up to the full potential of life.


Hugging my yellow banana shaped pillow
I got bored
I wanted attention
I got up and went on his lap
purring waiting to get more attention
right when I thought he was going to pet me he set me down and walked away
I went to my masters lap
but she only did the same
leaving me alone
in this empty boring room


I ride my bike along the bike trail at 7pm
The sky had fluffy clouds that almost seemed like moving sheep across a light blue ocean
The sky wasn’t only blue
but also had green, purple, and even some red and orange swirled around
as the sun began to set
birds chirped and their loud voices echoed
Children nearby were laughing and playing games
In the winter
You couldn’t really see how the grass was so green and flowy
And you weren’t able to see the skies rich colors
Summer was coming closer
As I rode my bike I could feel a cool breeze sweep over me
Once I was home
I couldn’t wait to go again tomorrow
I couldn’t wait till the 4th of July came around
To see all the spirals of color spreading across a night sky
And to see fireflies dance like stars

Colin B

I noticed you used the technique of a simile in the phrase “The sky had fluffy clouds that almost seemed like moving sheep across a light blue ocean”; it’s effective because it really gets me to imagine how the sky actually looked.


First of all, I loved how you changed the setting of your poem and made it into a story. I thought that “to see fireflies dance like stars” was a clever line that brought the poem to life and made the reader connect to their own experiences.


picture #2
Im shy
I dont like making eye contact
Or talking to others
I keep my head down as i walk
Hearing the cars zoom by and the wind blowing my ponytail around
I look at my phone
While others look at me
I hurry up
And get to work


I look towards my window
as the wind is blowing the curtains
the sky is so dark
and beautiful stars are out
the moon keeps rising up
I think to myself what an enchanting night


i was staring at them
waiting for them to move
but they never did
i laid as flat as a log
waiting for them to move
a nearby neighbor walked by
as i waited for them to move
the “starry night” was glittering colors galore
as i waited for them to move


If you see yourself walking in a crew of people you don’t know
you might not be smiling
but when you see the person who can brighten up your days
you smile
but that person doesn’t seem to notice the reason for your happiness
so the sadness come crawling back to you.


I can relate to the part where you said “all the sadness come crawling back” because so many people are sad right now and they way they talk about themselves makes you think that the sadness never left.


1st Picture
Looking out into the city
I try to find my house
I just don’t see it
Ill keep looking
I finally see the roof


Once a girl, now a guy
Or once a guy, now a girl
Crossdressing has its own world
In the realm of cosplay.
Have a favorite anime guy,
But happen to be a girl?
Well you’re in luck!
Crossdressing is your spot!
So then you can be that guy with curls.
Happen to be a gy?
Well don’t you cry!
It works vice versa too!


I like how you chose to write about such a touchy subject for the LGBT community by talking about there being an activity to make them happy by saying “Cross-dressing has its own world”, “Have a favorite anime guy, But happen to be a girl”, “Happen to be a guy? dont cry! it works vice versa too” this supports it by you asking a question then answering it.


I wish.
I wish upon a bright moon.
I wish.
That it won’t leave.

A beanstalk comes to life,
Towering over a small little village.
Resting under the security of the dark, silent night.
The village sparkles,
So bright,
Flecks of the light splashes across the night sky.

Stepping back,
I look out at a neighborhood,
And dull.
And wish to be anywhere but here.


Your words “I wish upon a bright moon” because I really like how you make the reader picture how everything looks and I love how you added something from nature to your poem. I also like when you said “Flecks of the light splashes across the night sky.” it really helps the reader picture whats going on. So instead of writing “The night sky” you went into more detail and were more specific.

Izzy sernel

When you wrote ” Flecks of the light splashes across the night sky,” it showed movement and was a great sensory sentence in your writing. It helped me in creating a vivid image in my mind of the light in the sky.


I am the book
Worn and old
Torn, ripped, wasted
Read millions upon millions
Nearly gone
I am the book


When you wrote down ” read millions upon millions” I can relate to that because I would often read a book over and over again until its really worn down.


I noticed tha you wrote your poem in the perspective of the book. I also like how you said, “read millions upon millions nearly gone” it got me thinking of how old the book really is.


The stars shine bright
A blurry aurura of light
It is a windy day
Blowing all your tears away
A mountain stands tall
Not about to fall


It meant to be beanstalk instead of mountain


I lay down in the dew filled grass
morning light fills my eyes
then they come
to get us ready for
the picture to show us
we line up
in a row
in our best dressed clothes
to have a picture taken
to show we
are okay


Until I read “I lay down in the dew filled grass” I had never considered explaining in this way to help the reader picture what’s going on. Now I see that in my future poems I could add more detail about how things look instead of just pointing something out. Great job!


im tyron and im a cat the y took me to this weird place it was a house with lots of toys i was so happy i was playing all around the house and i met a bannana and i couldn’t and it was my favorite i hug it and i did int let go and i love it and i kept it


picture #2
i see them walking with the phones on and headphones on
they see cars coming the don’t care they just keep walking
they don’t talk to each other they call each other when they are next to each other
just to say hello and then hang up
they make no eye contact they don’t leave there technology for a second


the phrase ” i see them walking with the phones on and headphones on they see cars coming they don’t care they just keep walking ” got me thinking about how phones are becoming a problem because people are not paying attention where they are walking and accidents happen.


Laying down
Looking up at the sky
Seeing the dark blue sky
Hearing the wind softly
Seeing the bright stars glow
Its so peaceful


when you wrote ” its so peaceful” i felt relaxed because it basically put me in a calm mood for a moment.


i can relate to the part when you where telling us you where just laying down looking up at the sky because i went sledding and was getting bored so i laid on my tube and watched the snow fall


I can relate to your whole poem because over spring break, a couple years ago, I was in a scenery very similar to your poem. Also, your words “Hearing the wind softly, Seeing the bright stars glow,” really moved me because I felt like I could actually hear the wind and I could close my eyes and see the bright stars glow.


When you wrote “Hearing the wind softly” I felt like I was sin the place you were describing or in the painting because it was a great way to so that there is motion in the piece of art. I really like how you also said “seeing the bright stars glow” because it was a really good way to show some more descriptiveness.


Staring at my phone screen
ignoring everything around me
there is a car coming by
can you see
can you hear it.. yes because you don’t have your ear buds
all you need to do is put your phone down
because you’ re crossing the street they’ re cars coming


i like this because kids are always on there phones.And they never really see whats happening around them


A star athlete but many’s 11:11 wish
A person who’s life has detailed thoughts
Begging to be unfolded
A guy who’s as sensitive as a brick
One sport that calls him among others occupies his whole life
A person who can’t be read only told
A person more amazing than anyone
A person
With feelings too
Not heartless but not heartful
A person
with potential to reveal even more details.


(2nd picture)
focus at girl and only the girl
can you see the pain in her face
but nobody cares right
everybody just caring about themselves
don’t focus on other people in the picture
then you’ll see the pain
you will never know what’s wrong if you try little bit more.


Your words-” everybody just caring about themselves”- really moved me because that’s what most people do they don’t have a good heart they just care about themselves. Then in the poem it says-“then you’ll see the pain”- so understand someone to know there pain.


2nd picture:

Crowed streets of the city
people of all places
free to do what they want
beautiful surroundings
I decide to look down at my phone
isolating myself from others
My mind drifts off into my own thoughts
Ignoring all senses around me


The phrase “beautiful surroundings” got me thinking about how much we miss in everyday life because we’re distracted by technology. Maybe on the bus when your on your phone you could look out the window instead and see something new like different slogans on a sign or a squirrel in a tree.


everyone has a journey
they are living their life
and their are obstacles
that you might
might not
face alone but you have to always
no matter how hard
how tired
drained you are
you always have to continue

Rebecca Padilla

When you wrote I ” No matter how hard, how tired, drained you are, you have to always continue.” I felt a bit of motivation. I needed to hear that today to keep myself going, because a lot of times, its hard.


I liked your poem Daisy because I like how you rhyme your word.

(Picture number 5)
Ughhh i wake up as i am blinded by the sudden light
there is a silhouette walking towards me
then all of a sudden i am hoisted to his level
a strange liquid pours all over my body
i am defenseless
i am scared
all of a sudden he stops…
i am inside a mechanism
i see fellow utensils
they are in shock as well
then the mechanism starts
and i fear for death itself…
(pov of the man)
Ughhh i hate doing the dishes
so tedious and boring
finally its over
time to relax.

Steven Paul

As the sun set on the African plains, and night raises.
The birds soaring throughout the skies, dispersing throughout the tall grass.
and the trees swaying back and forth, back and forth.
it all has a soft feel, but yet something does not yet seem at peace.
It was like a roaring storm was about to roll in,
destroying everything in its way, causing chaos.
But that is what paints a picture in my mind how about you?


In the crowd I lose all focus
My phone drags me in
It tells me to keep my eyes peeled for a new text message
It tells me the world doesn’t matter
No one else matters
Just keep looking at the screen
Ignore the smell of freshly baked bread
Ignore these people surrounding you
Did you even know that these people are yelling at you
To not walk into the traffic
When your phone gets taken by the crowd
You have the feeling of being lost
Unaware of where you are and how you got there

Rebecca Padilla

This was a really deep poem, it is very true in today’s society what you said, “In the crowd I lose all focus, my phone drags me in, It tells me to keep my eyes peeled for a new text message”. I can relate to this because a lot of time I will look down at my phone and when I look up I have no idea what is going on.


I can relate to the part “My phone drags me in” because sometimes I am on my phone not paying attention to anything else. Nice Poem!

Jeannie Bitan

I understand why people are always asking people to get off their phones and go outside after reading your poem because when you said, “Did you even know that these people are yelling at you” it made me realize that people are always on their phones and they don’t pay attention to the real world



What are we doing?
have we no humanity.
hilariously absurd.
ridiculously insane.
Who have we become?


After reading your poem, I see humanity in a different way. For example, the phrase “preposterous. senseless. Who have we become?” shows how there is another side of humanity than not everyone sees


A Time of
Unknown innocence,
Unadulterated joy,
Unconventional love.
So much fun.
All those instances
with your friends
and imagination.
Why is it gone?


everyone has a journey
they are living their life
and their are obstecals
that you might
might not
face alone but you have to always
no matter how hard
how tired
drained you are
you always have to continue


My dad,
he showed me how to ride a bike,
he taught me how to be tough,
he showed me how to laugh at scary things,
he taught me to be straight-forward with my thoughts and opinions,
he told me it’s okay to have emotions,
he stays strong even when it gets hard,
he doesn’t break when he sees me struggle,
at least,
he doesn’t look like it.
When I was little,
he showed me how to carve a pumpkin.
Something small,
But even though it was a meaningless thing,
he would put all his effort into it.
I had made an unoriginal jack-o-lantern,
but he had carved a wolf,
howling at the moon.
He showed me that,
even though things may seem small,
if you put effort into the small things,
something amazing happens.


I see blue
I see yellow
I see white
and many other colors
and moving in there own special way
they make me feel calm
and in trusted
makes me want to start drawing
so that I can show my own emotion and talent
and change the blank sheet of paper before me into something special.


I can relate to where you wrote “Makes me want to start drawing so that I can show my own emotion and talent” because sometimes looking at art, of which has a deep meaning, makes me want to draw something and put my own meaning and purpose into it to share how I view things.


Looking down at my phone
Ignoring everything around me
Nothing will happen to me
How do you know that
I’m plugged into my phone even though I’m walking across the street
I can still hear
Are you sure?
I can still see
Are you sure?
I can still smell
Are you sure?
I can still walk without bumping into to people
Are you sure?
How do you know that?
Someone just screamed to move out the way in your ear and you just stood there
So, you can see?
Can you see the guy that just pushed that girl over
Or how about that guy that stepped on your foot
You can smell?
Did you smell the smoke from the house across the street?
Or the girl the was selling hot dogs
Did you smell those?
You just bumped into an old man
Knocking him over onto a bench
Maybe you should get off your phone and focus on what’s around you
Someday it will come back to haunt you


The phrase “ignoring everything around me, nothing will happen to me,” got me thinking about myself and how I can relate to this because this phrase has different kinds of personal meanings to me like insecurities and confidence.


Is it a frog or a toad but whatever it is , its life is about to suck
If it doesn’t escape fast enough im going to say yuck
Was the bird hungry or just yearning
According to jumper he wanted to start learning
it jumped and it bumped
until the bird open that big beak
it flew across didn’t open its eyes ,not even to peak
the bird was probably old, so its life wasn’t sold
After making it he felt like a pot of gold


It was another long day in the shelter until,
Someone came and peeked in my cage.
I was very scared,
Since people haven’t looked at me since I got here.
She took me out of the cage
And after some petting,
She brought me to another person.
A few minutes later,
They put me in there car.
They already had a bunch of blankets,
And cat toys,
Which freaked me out.
They talked to me in really high pitches until we finally stopped.
They got me out of the car and told me,
“Welcome to your new home, Fluffy!”
They really named me THAT?!?
I could worry about that later,
Because now I finally have a home!
After playing with them for a very long time
I decided to take a nap.
I looked around for a blanket to cuddle or something
But I found a banana toy to snuggle
Holding on to it tight,
I finally fell asleep
Dreaming about how amazing those people are.


I really like the last line, ” Dreaming about how amazing those people are”. It makes me think about my friends and family and how great they are. I should treat them better.


“The 4th picture”
I am a pumpkin
A son and a father have chosen me from the fields
They will cut me and scoop out my guts
They will make interesting designs and give me a face
They will put me outside and stick a candle in me
I will scare the little kids as they walk by on Halloween night
I have waited all my life for this moment
My cycle is complete
I am a jack-o’-lantern


I can relate to the part “A son and a father have chosen me from the fields” because I remember going out with my dad to the pumpkin patch and having the time of my life. I also really enjoy that you changed the perspective and you were the pumpkin. Great Job Chris!


I like how you gave a perspective of the pumpkin like when you said “I will scare the little kids as they as they walk by on Halloween night”.


I see everyone’s beauty & darkness
i know they all see me,
i can see them,
i wonder if anybody going threw hard stuff right now,
i wonder if they ever lost a parent
i wonder if they’ve ever heard “she ain’t worth it”
i wonder if they would judge me for my past,
if they only knew my reasons for everything they would keep their mouth shut.


Tbh its actually really good


I really like this poem because i could relate


very interesting, makes me want to know more.


I can relate to when you said “I see everyone’s beauty and darkness” because I can see it too. When you wrote “I wonder if they would judge me for my past” I felt sad because nobody should be judged for their past. If you are different now than you were then, then you shouldn’t be judged based on the person you were. You should be seen as the person you are now.


This is really interesting! makes me want to know more about you. I liked the part when you said ” i see everyone’s beau


7th picture

They look happy
They look excited
Why did the person take a picture of the kids
Why does the teacher have a strawberry costume on
Are they getting ready for a play
Or do they have free time


in image 4

the father and son
as the son was telling the father every single joke
trying to make him laugh
as the father laughed
the father played with his son
they laughed and played all day
and made a lot of art.


your words-” as the son was telling the father every single joke” really moved me because every father would love the moment of his life, i would love living that moment. the words are strong because it would get everybody in their feelings,by just knowing their son or daughter is trying to fun.


the phrase that got me thinking about was that the father was being creative because maybe the kid was not inspire on the pumpkin untill i read the part that the father was making jokes an laughed
and they where making art


(2nd) picture
All I do now is listen to music and be on my phone
If I need to check the weather I check it on my phone
Can’t solve a problem I don’t worry I have my phone
Instead of focusing on other things I focus on the screen
When im on my phone I forget about the real world


I can relate to the part were you said “cant solve a problem i don’t worry i have my phone” because when i have a problem i forget about it when im on my phone.


The phrase that got me thinking about is when you said “when i’m on my phone i forget about the real world” because mostly everyone is too busy using our phones or electronics and we don’t even pay attention to the important things in the outside.Its just mostly about being on social media, no one has fun anymore.

Jasmin B.

4th picture.
ahhhh What is that daddy?
“Don’t be scared baby, I got chu!”
so don’t be boo, and not let it get you.

little cesars

2nd picture

A noisy street,
everyone is minding their own business
they are doing different things
different music they are hearing
different ages
different heights
different things on their mind
different things they are staring at
different people
they are all human
everyone their is different in their own way,
but they are still humans,
no one their is a threat or doing any harm
no one is being judged
they are humans
and it’s still a noisy street


The Carving a pumpkin picture:
Pumpkins point of view

As I get carved
A couple of eyes
A nose
And a big smile
As my smile is being carved
The little boy looks down on me
With a big cheesy smile
And a little drool
I was complete
Making that boy happy was all worth the pain
The pain of getting cut open
But we both ended up
With smile’s


I can relate to the part “making that boy happy was all worth the pain” because sometimes I do things that don’t make me happy just so I can make someone else happy. I care more about other people than I care for myself so I want to see people happy.


I liked how you described the pumpkins point of view.


The Night sky is light and dark.
Light is bright and shows life.
Dark stands out in the light and makes it beautiful.
Light and dark work together always.
It’s a pretty thing.


This cat
I am the cat
I feel warm
I feel good
I feel amazing
Me the cat
feel home


Picture #3 (The Cat)

Mind of the cat:

Why are you smiling?
Leave me alone, i want to play with this odd shaped toy!
What do you want?
Why do you have a camera?
I want to sleep with this nice, soft and cozy toy, so leave alone!
I will scratch you.
I’m not afraid to do it.
Oh my god, stop taking pics of me!
Mind of the person:

“Look at you!”
“You’re a cute kitty aren’t ya?”
“Yes you are!”
“I’m gonna save so pictures of you playing with that banana!


(6th picture with the kids)
It all started okay
I never really thought life would be like this
I could see all their faces
why would we not be
If you had to run for your life and try to survive
They made us line up
No order just a line
I held on to my friends hand
All I wish is that we make it out alive


When you wrote ” all i wish is that we made it out alive”. I left like it was deep and its true because there are situations that you’re in where you start feeling that maybe these or your last moments. And i liked how you based your poem, on what the kids were thinking or what they might be feeling.


The phrase “why would we not be, if you had to run for your life and try to survive” got me thinking about how much we take the small things for granted. Those little kids have gone through more at such a young age than we have at our age.


seeing the bright lights in the city
let’s me think of all the good things I have done for this city
helping out the homeless to fighting crime
It makes the people happy
they know there is a hero waiting to do whatever it takes
to keep the city safe
its not an easy job
but i will get it done
no matter how long it takes.


I think you described the city well when you said: “seeing the bright lights of the city.”


The Third Poem

I’m here snuggling my soft
yellow banana,
While my master is not here,
I’m being taken care by nana,
Though she doesn’t know
what she’s doing,
She didn’t give me my food,
so I bite her foot,
Stop slouching, give me
my food, you fool!
She still doesn’t notice,
so I made little mews
to get her my attention,
Still, I give her a hiss
but my message missed,
She finally looks down,
into my dark green eyes,
Her legs move, about to get up,
I get all excited, and
she only puts her legs on the couch,
I go back to my banana and cuddle next to it,


The phase “I’m here snuggling my soft yellow banana” got me thinking about why a banana because I didn’t understand when I started reading why you would snuggle with a banana.When I read “While my master is not here” I realized that it was from a perspective of a cat.


all you see in the city is people going to jobs
showing no emotions
all you see is people with lank stares
not enjoying life


the phrase “showing no emotions” , it get it from the picture,in the picture there’s no emotion , just plain faces all around and the thing that got me thinking was that the camera was focusing at the girl,she was probably feeling nothing but pain.


Picture #2
A new home
a new life
this is an opportunity
not a threat
lets take this helping hand and live freely


Until i read “this is an opportunity” i had not considered the meaning of the poem in that way as it shows an entire new meaning to it by explaining that the purpose of this poem was to start a new beginning and embrace it.


I really liked the part when you wrote “This is an opportunity, not a threat” spoke to me because since my family came here seeking a better life, escaping poverty, and the way you describe the picture really helped me understand the picture a bit more.


As we stood there, looking through the tall grass
As we watched our parents being draged across the dirt
As we remembered our parents telling us go run and dont look back..I love you


This one picture, the picture that went around the whole world,
where people may get sad but foget it the next day,
where people making up storys about this picture rying to make people feel guilty about their lives
Where maybe the picture was fake
planned out
Just to make us feel bad,
but who knows,
who knows whats the true story about this picture


Second photo.

Walking down the street
I think to myself,
All these people are around me
I feel I am free to do anything.

I can play in the puddles laying around
I can lay down on the sidewalk
unafraid that people will step on me.

I take a look at all these people around me
and think to myself,
are they thinking of the same thing?
Do they wish to do something else?

Walking down the street,
I let all my worries go,
but let reality sink in.

Walking down the street,
I am happy.


there are children they
are each doing different things
in different places some kids look scared,
others look like they are having a good
time because they always have dancing
time at school


there is different ways to look at them
up close or far away
everyone sees something different
sad moments
or happy moments
emotions appeal differently
it all depends on how you look at it.


A clever line is ” pictures, there is different ways to look at them.” because this society could look at a positive and a negative way of seeing a thing I really like that sentence, I also could relate to this poem because everyone has different opinions and different meanings to it.


The 6th poem or the 2nd to last poem

These children are scared
Who knows what is going on behind this scene
Why are they even in this scene in the first place
They look curious
They look lost
Who is there to help them?
Why is the camera man taking pictures?
Why is he not helping these children?
They don´t look safe
In retrospect they may have been through a civil war
This is an emblematic picture of the brave
To fight through this
They exude such a powerful aroma, that attaches to you.
Almost as if you feel with them
They must all feel anguished
Some of them may not even know where their family is

little cesars

when you wrote, “They exude such a powerful aroma, that attaches to you.
Almost as if you feel with them,” I actually felt like I was their, but I started to wonder what is happening in this picture, Why do they look confused and serious?


The phrase “Why is the camera man taking pictures? Why is he not helping these children?” got me thinking about like you right why is he not doing anything to help them because they seem scared and lost.


The phrase “Why is the camera man taking pictures? Why is he not helping these children?” got me thinking because what if the children are afraid of the man holding the camera? What if they think it is some type of weapon?


WOW there buddy:)) this writing is of the wall!!!!! i i love the line when it says
“They look curious
They look lost”
these words are real good fam, i got me thinking because i can relate of me thinking this many times, if the kids are really safe behind the scenes.


when you said ¨why is the camera man taking pictures?¨
i feel like some kids dont even realize that some one is taking a picture of them


when you wrote ” who’s there to help them” i felt bad because they are alone and no one to be by there sides like we do because now we have more than we had back then and they don’t have anything .


I like the phrase ” Why is the camera man taking pictures” got me thinking because as the world is making videos and pictures about how kids are dying and are miserable around the world, they are not doing anything about besides taking pictures.


i see or understand why you wrote this because its true. the kids look scared.


i also like how you used “why is the camera man is taking the pic”. i liked it because why is he? if the kids look badly isn’t it wrong for him to take the picture and not help?

Marissa Teehan

We all stood on that grassy hill,
with dirt on our faces,
wearing colorful dresses and brown robes.
Shock drawn on to our faces.
We all ignore the large stone mountains behind us.
And focus on what’s forward.
Only those in the front had a clear view.
A kid in the back pushes me to see what lays ahead.
That’s how I end up in the back of the crowd.
The only thing I can see is the pink scarf the tall
girl in front of me is wearing.
I never got a clear view
of what was to be seen in the field.
I push my way through the crowd.
And see what was laying covered in dirt.


I can relate to the part ” i pushed my way through the crowd” because I sometimes push my way through a crowd to see what is up ahead. Its never fun not being able to see the view of something you really want to see.


A clever line is ” and focus on what’s forward” because it makes me think that we should look in the future and not in the past. If we think abut the past it can bring us down. Looking forward and not turning back makes us strong and forget bad things of the past.


I like how you write, “shock drawn to our faces,” because it gives you a feeling of the people’s emotions as they are standing on that hill. I also like how you added “I push my way through the crowd. And see what was laying covered in dirt,” because it added suspense to the poem


It continues on
It knows no boundaries
It knows no pain


I really like how simple your poem was. there was not many words, but there was tons to connect to in the little the lines were. the part where you said “it has no boundaries” really makes you think about the limits you can go and how far you want to take them.


It’s time for me to grow up…
And explore
This clear ball is getting old
You’ll never make it I’m always told
But, then they saw me jump from my fish bowl.


I really love your poem it makes me feel so much joy and the poem is really beautiful . Your words really moved me when you ” You’ll never make it i’m always told But , then they saw me jump from my fish bowl.” It really moved me because i feel like it shows how people try to not other down but they end up making it and get knocked up .


Your words-“You’ll never make it I’m always told”-really moved me because I’ve experienced a lot of people telling me I won’t be able to do something just because I’m a girl and who I am. it’s really great to prove them wrong and show them you can do whatever you put your mind to.


Your words ” It’s time for me to grow up and explore. This ball is getting old” really moved me because your poem is showing that it’s always good to explore new things and sometimes it might fail but you have to keep trying. Keep up the good work.

Jasmin B.

I can relate to the part, “And explore. This clear ball is getting old.” because I want to explore something new.. Sometimes I get bored on the same thing over and over and So I was thinking I want to do something fun and challenging, and I did. This last week I learned how to skateboard.


When you wrote “You’ll never make it I’m always told” I felt curious because at least once in someones life I bet they’re told that they can’t do it or they tell themselves they couldn’t do it. When you ended your poem with “But then they saw me jump from my fish bowl” it encourages the reader that they can do it.


i like think the meaning of picture with the one fish jumping away so it can be unique I have a similar thing i think about it makes me think about why is every one the same

Manny V

(3rd picture with cat, the mind of the cat)

what is this
is it a banana
imma touch it
*takes one step toward it*
*another step*
*he lays on the ground and keeps a good eye on it*
*he leans back and…*
Oh it’s not a banana it’s fluffy
I’m just going to stay here and relax
Why is there a camera in front of me
He better go away before I scratch
It’s mine, not yours
Go away

(the mind of the guy in the back)

Awww look at the cute kitty
Look he found my pillow
woah look at the big hug he gave it
“oh the camera guy is here”
“C’mon kitty look at the camera”
“Nice little kitty”


I bet that’s what both minds were thinking! The cat is the one “person” who is most likely just saying “it’s mine, not yours” and th huy behinfd the camera just saying “awww”


I noticed you used the technique of the cat in the phrase cute kitty: it’s effective because it is cute.
the line breaks emphasize pillow: for example, soft.
a clever line is Imma touch it because why not


I meant to say
Because the cat was curious about the pillow and wanted to feel it and see how it is.


i like how you put all the deatails
i like the part of when the cat “attacks”


I got across the room in a second
Laying here on the cold, hard ground.
What’s that?
Running toward me.
Big, tall, scary
It’s coming toward me.
It bit me
It’s bitting me even more!

Benjamin Watford

I like how you wrote from the pillow’s perspective rather than the cat’s


Stretching far and wide
Vast plains of arid grains rise
Only those
Who possess great fortitude
Not a drop of water
To be seen
But life moves on

Benjamin Watford

A giant slumbers
Drifting through a quiet blackness
She is isolated
from her father
whose dull light barely reaches her
But slowly she awakes
to the approaching thunder
of the expansion
of the smallest creatures
and their thirst to conquer


As i lay there thinking about things
I try to take it off my mind by falling asleep
But i still lay here confused, stuck as i fall asleep.


i can really relate to this part because all the time i go to sleep i would think of all my problems. when you wrote ”But still lay here getting confused stuck falling asleep i felt like i was not the only one whith i mist up life.


Beep, boop, bam
The city sings its own song
Rivaling the music of everyone else
People pump in its veins, the rythem of the beats
The horns and bells, the grand orchestra
And the lyrics of a thousand people communicating
It sings loud and proud


Seperate minds can create big ideas.
Together we can be more powerful then anything.
Humans find some reason to seperate themselves.
But, if we come together and
Not let the color of your skin,
The number of your IQ,
Or how much you have in the bank.
If we are one,
We can be better,


You can hear the wind
howling softly
from inside the house
you get a view of the moon
lighting the city
The stars
counting them all
The view
of the big tall building
No noise outside
everyone is dozing off in their bed
You can see the mountains peeking from behind
it’s very lonely here.


The phrase,”you get a view from the moon shinning”got me think of how when your out where the is no city lights and its just nature you can see how beautiful stars are and when you are in the city you see no shinning stars.


A clever line is “You can hear the wind howling soft from inside the house,” because you are explaining how silent it is without exactly saying its quiet. It makes it more effective because you make the reader picture and try to hear it. The reader can imagine in it in their mind.


I love your use of sensory language and imagery. I also think your theme of loneliness in vast places is relatable.


The carved pumpkin

I used to be orange and bright
Now I have a light
That shines through my smile
When it’s dark and late at night

The cut me up
And chopped me off
Until I was nothing but mush

I’m no longer a pumpkin
I don’t have pump you kin


A clever line is “i’m no longer a pumpkin” Because you are stating that you are no longer a pumpkin and you don’t want anyone to cut you up anymore. Its cleaver because its telling people that you are already carved and that you already have a light.


when you wrote ” I use to be orange and bright now I have a light that shines through my smile” i felt like its like a meaning saying that even though you’re not the same person you can still smile. At least thats what i think of that part


A clever line is “Now I have a light that shines through my smile,” because you are saying that you were basically fine until they put a light inside the pumpkin. Its also clever because people don’t see that as a bad thing and just think it looks nice.


Why is this cat squeezing me and chewing on me?
And those people in the back are just watching.
Help me please it’s claws are scratching me.
There are so many more toys in that box over there.
Why did they pick me?
Why am I suffering for this cats entertainment?


The phrase “Why am I suffering for this cats entertainment”got me thinking about if inanimate objects could talk what would they talk about because the pillow that the cat is holding is talking about being mistreated and it seems to think that no one cares about it.and I wonder what other things would say if they could talk in real life

Powers Rogers

I love this girl
she has helped me through so much
I hope I can do the same for her in the future.


I think that tall dark building
is saying wow i am the tallest here
why did they draw me like this
am i the most important in the drawing
or am i the least important
i don’t get it why am i different
perhaps one day i will understand
but for know i should accept this
i shall accept how tall i am
but i think i figured it out
i am the most important


I like when you said “I Shall accept how tall I am “


the cat and the pillow
the little kitty runs and runs
finds a nice pillow but runs some more
comes back to the pillow the blue color
calling at her she wants to go to it but
she continues to run some more but
she looks over the pillow seems closer more enticing
then bang like a bullet the cat charged at the
pillow grabbing it and raping herself around it
play fighting with the pillow but then the dog game and
the pillow was his he let out a mighty
bark and the cat just zoomed of the dog grabbed it
went to his bed and laid down and took a nap


wow i really liked how you did this poem i noticed how you mentioned the cat and the pillow a lot


I can picture you’re entire poem in my head ! Great poem.

Benjamin Watford

You might want to change “raping” to “wrapping”

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