When we can set up learning experiences for students to be the facilitators of learning, the teacher can be positioned as a listener-observer. In this slice, I share two photographs from our classroom today as we read the lyrics from Joni Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi” (before, of course, listening to it).

It was oddly comforting to turn over the class to an eleven-year-old at this point in the school year. With just nine weeks left of the school year, I don’t want to be “needed” anymore but rather to be a resource in their development as readers, writers, thinkers, human beings.

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I love when you say you don’t want to be “needed” anymore. I completely understand that as I’m feeling the same way with my struggling readers in class. At the start of the year, they were saying “what’s this word?” over and over but now they try to solve it themselves – they WANT to solve it themselves. So rewarding! Thanks for sharing!

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