Showing: 251 - 260 of 266 RESULTS

1. April 1st, The Best Part of You

Welcome to day one! Today’s inspiration: What is the best part of you? Write a descriptive poem about your favorite part of you. Here are a few bullet points to get you started. describe what your best part looks like — size, color, shape, texture …

30 poems

30 Poems: A Celebration of Poetry Begins April 1st

The 30 Poems Celebration begins April 1st! Let’s celebrate together all that poetry does for our hearts, minds, and humanity. This month-long celebration is all about helping people write poems in a supportive, virtual space. Anyone can participate — life-long poets, new-to-the-craft poets, rhymers, free-versers, musings-writers. …

Four Hallway Haiku

I could feel the fever spiking. And my blood was simmering. It was the week before spring break, and the symptoms of cabin fever among the students were spreading. They’d submitted their final portfolios –letters to parents with hyperlinks to all their learning for the past …

10 Months.10 Lessons.

Thank you for your readership of Ethical ELA this school year. Thank you for being my teacher-friend. In a typical school day, the only time teachers may be alone is when we use the restroom (until someone knocks on the door).  Still, teaching can feel …

The Countdown: What If I Don’t Want It to End?

“Dr. Donovan,” Isabel whispers leaning over her desk in between student presentations, “can you tell me which poem I should share at Espresso Self Cafe? I just don’t know which one to present, and we don’t have much time.” I kneel beside her desk as …

Reflecting on 30 Days of Poem-ing

Thank you so much for joining us this month to celebrate how poetry helps us make sense of our lives and the world we live in. Let’s reflect a bit. Please respond to all or any of the questions below: What did you learn or …

Poem Twenty-Four: Characters

Inspiration from Colin: Write about a favorite character from a book, movie, TV show , or play. For example, express what your favorite character is and what made them your favorite or write from the character’s point of view about his/her family, friends, hopes, dreams, …

Pre-Challenge Practice Poem: What advice would you give…

To warm up for our 30-poem celebration (and to test the website), let’s try a pre-challenge poem. Here is today’s poem inspiration but, as always, the prompt is only a suggestion, just poem any way you wish. Inspiration: Imagine you are grown up and have a …

At the Bottom of the River

Anthologies: Limitations in Higher Education

by Elaine Magin Ethical ELA resonates with my own experiences as a teacher who often feels limited by what I’m able to teach in the classroom. Even though this blog is not focused on teaching English language arts in higher education, I am overwhelmed by …

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