Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS

How are you growing as a reader?

We are four weeks into the school year. Our reading classes are focusing on a few specific standards. The first one is learning language in context; the second is reading a variety of text; the third is reading closely; and the last couple are speaking …

Artifacts with Descriptions

Standards, Curriculum, and a Writing Philosophy: What Can You Do Without Me?

What is the difference between standards and curriculum? Standards are one part of my curriculum. I’ve written about standards-based learning. This year in my 7th grade composition class, the writing standards –features of a narrative, argument, and informational essay — guided my instruction for the first …

I’m a no-grades cheater.

“You can’t just declare that you have a growth mindset,” said Dweck. “Growth mindset is hard. Many educators are trying to skip the journey.” To do it right, Dweck says that many teachers have to change how they teach, offering more critical feedback and giving …


I have an announcement to make

  Dear Sarah,  I’m writing with the good news that your contract for Genocide Literature in Middle and Secondary Classrooms: Rhetoric, Witnessing, and Social Action in a Time of Standards and Accountability has been fully countersigned. Indeed, friends, I have a signed contract to publish my …

Rethinking Grading

Book Response: Rethinking Grading by Cathy Vatterott

I think this book is really helpful for teachers rethinking grades. Okay. In Rethinking Grading: Meaningful Assessment for Standards-Based Learning, Cathy Vatterott offers a framework for standards-based grading to reflect student progress and learning, and she provides examples from elementary, middle, and high schools. Still, …

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