Stanzas and StoriesDixie Keyes from Arkansas State writes, “One consistent creative writing idea that I ease into fluidly, even on a busy day is writing about ‘moments.’ This also challenges me to rethink the day with gratitude and to be more mindful of interactions with everyone. So, I take some time to think back to an interaction with someone, or a moment of something I witnessed that made me stop and think, or a moment of insight inside the class, or a thought that occurred to me because of some unexpected synergy. Then I describe it in detail so readers can join in my moment.”

For this week’s Sunday Stanzas & Stories, let’s give it a try:

  1. Think back to an interaction with someone you had today or during the week (or further back in the past).
  2. Describe it in detail.

Of course, you are welcome to write about whatever you wish. Please post in the comment section or just make a note that you did some writing today!

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