This post is a supplemental resource for a presentation at CCSD15’s Innovation Summit 2017.

A. Gathering Activity: In the comment section below, write

  • the title of a book/movie you appreciated/found interesting this summer;
  • the author/director’s name (if you know); and
  • choose one or more of the sentences stems below (or make your own):
    • One big questions this book/movie seems to be asking about human beings is…
    • The part of the story that helped me make sense of my own life was when…
    • The part of the story that helped me understand another life, place, time, possibility was when…One of the following statements:

B.  Planning Calendar:

A guide/template to start planning your quarter to make time for portfolio development, reflection, and final grade conferring. I’ve included a sample writing week and a sample reading week to show how, in each segment of learning, students are creating artifacts with self-peer-teacher feedback.

C. Sample mid-term letter to parents (written by a student):

Students wrote letters about what their learning and emailed them to parents; some translated the letters into their home language. Here is how the letter about reading class is organized:  1) books read independently; 2) discussion comparing shared reading character (Ponyboy) to independent reading character; 3) blogging reflection of claims, evidence, examples, growth: 4) partner poem reflection on collaborative meaning making; 5) book group reflection, 6) overall reflection on purpose and progress.

D. Sample end-of-term screencast:

When you meet with the student, you will ask follow-up questions about this evidence. The free version of screencast allows 10 minutes; students can do multiple screencasts and post them on the blog or attach them to Classroom. (Click here for a video on how to set up Screencastify in Chrome.)

E. “5 Routines for a Meaningful Final Grade Conference

F. Questions?

Write questions in the comments below or email me if you’d like 1)any additional material or 2) to schedule a time to meet to discuss any of these documents or processes further:

G. Follow-up Session:

Complete this survey if you’d like to meet in late September to talk more about grading less.

H. Resources:

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Does My Head Look Big in This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah

The part of this story that made me understand someone else’s life was when the main character, Amal, first wore her hijab to school and many people reacted negatively, including adults in her life like the principal. Due to a piece of fabric, people’s viewpoint of her changed.


The Secrets of Southern Girls by Haley Harrigan
The part of the story that helped me make sense of my own life was when the main character contemplated the choices she made and took risks. Those risks ended up benefiting her greatly and giving her happiness. It helped me understand the true power of following your instincts and your heart.

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